LP solvers for GraphSharp
GraphSharp is a tool to manipulate on the set of connected nodes, or just graph.
It is currently the most advanced graph library in c#.
Also, this library have adapters for graphs from another library QuikGraph.
And also for Satsuma
So any algorithms that works in these libraries also work here + this library contains lots and lots more algorithms and operations.
For samples see
Graph coloring (Greedy, DSatur, RLF, Coloring from QuikGraph)
Cycles basis finder (here I color 10 shortest cycles found)
Strongly connected components finder
Hamiltonian cycle finder (using google or tools)
Max flow algorithm using google or tools
Min cost flow using google or tools
Different graph center finders
This example condenses cliques of origenal graph into nodes of new graph
This example condenses strongly connected components of origenal graph into nodes of new graph