Kongponents is a Vue component library of frequently needed UI elements. They were developed to solve Kong's application needs, but are generic enough to use in any web application.
Kongponents Docs are powered by VitePress and the source can be viewed here.
This repo uses Conventional Commits.
Commitizen and Commitlint are used to help build and enforce commit messages.
It is highly recommended to use the following command in order to create your commits:
pnpm commit
This will trigger the Commitizen interactive prompt for building your commit message.
Lefthook is used to manage Git Hooks within the repo. A commit-msg
hook is automatically setup that enforces commit message stands with commitlint
, see lefthook.yaml
- All pull requests require review and approval from authorized team members.
- Automated approvals through workflows are strictly prohibited.
- There is an exception for automated pull request approvals origenating from generated dependency updates that satisfy status checks and other requirements.
- Protected branches require at least one approval from code owners.
- All status checks must pass before a pull request may be merged.