This ROS 2 package performs real-time image segmentation using the ONNX Runtime. Designed for robotics applications, it processes camera input and generates segmented output in real-time.
- Real-time image segmentation using ONNX Runtime.
- Compatible with ROS 2 (tested with Humble).
- Supports Yolo ONNX segmentation model.
- Configurable parameters for input, output topics, and model path.
- ROS 2 Humble
- ONNX Runtime (Auto Installed)
- OpenCV 4.5 or later
- Clone the Repository into ROS 2 Workspace Navigate to your ROS 2 workspace's src directory and clone the repository:
git clone
Build the workspace:
colcon build --symlink-install
- Customize Parameters Adjust parameters such as class, input_topic, output_topic, and other settings in the provided configuration file or via command-line arguments.
- Run the Camera Package Start your camera package to publish raw image data to a topic (e.g., /camera/image_raw).
- Launch the Segmentation Package Run the segmentation package using the launch file:
ros2 launch ros_onnx_segmentation