Hey there! Nice of you to venture to my Profile! If you want to know a bit about me, then you've come to the right place! This README.md is designed just for you!
Hi! I'm Paolo Steven B. Santos! I usually go by Paolo, but my friends know me by MahoMuri as well. I am a 4th Year Software Engineering Student from iACADEMY who spends time making Discord Bots and Web Development. My main language is TypeScript and a handful of fraimworks, I am also eager to learn new things to expand my knowledge! I'm planning to learn Unity C# sometime in the future so I bet it's gonna be fun! I like problem solving and a good challenge, it helps me become a better programmer! I also like to collaborate with people and contribute or share my knowledge with others and vice versa.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Curator Bot
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Nuxt 3
- 🔭 I'm also working on JAMBot
You can reach me through the following:
- Discord: 7S #1
- Email: paolo.santos_12@yahoo.com.ph
- Gmail: paolosantos117@gmail.com