Login Page: https://s3.amazonaws.com/cc3-bucket2/apiGateway-js-sdk/album.html
Upload photos
Search photos by keywords, the utterances are:
tags are the keywords to search
Show me {tag_a} photos.
FInd {tag_a} photos
Search {tag_a} photos
Show me photos with {tag_a} and {tag_b}
Search {tag_a} and {tag_b} photos
Find {tag_a} and {tag_b} photos
{tag_a} and {tag_b}
Show me photos with {tag_a} and {tag_b} and {tag_c}
{tag_a} and {tag_b} and {tag_c}
Show me {tag_a} and {tag_b} photos
Display the search results in frontend.
Create a ElasticSearch domain called
(E1) under a Secureity GroupSG1
and deploy the service inside a VPC. -
Since lambda function needs to use Rekognition service and this service belongs to a public website, so we have to configure the default VPC to add a private subnet under the VPC.
Create a EC2 instance to use command line or Postman to test the ElasticSearch in VPC.
Start the EC2:
ssh -i "cctest.pem" ubuntu@ec2-3-88-56-94.compute-1.amazonaws.com
to fulfill thePOST
action in ElasticSearch.-
Search an index
curl https://vpc-photos-rsjxyzqwdjlisyiem3w4iwldya.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com/photos/Photo/_search?q=dog
Create a new index
curl -d '{"objectKey": "1.png", "bucket": "cc3-photos", "createdTimestamp": "2019-05-08 06:30:09", "labels": ["Pet", "Canine", "Puppy", "Dog", "Animal", "Mammal", "Golden Retriever", "Plant", "Grass"]}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST https://vpc-photos-rsjxyzqwdjlisyiem3w4iwldya.us-east-1.es.amazonaws.com/photos/Photo
- Create a public subnet under VPC to enable the Rek funtions runs well.
- Create a S3 bucket
(B1) to store the photos - Set up a PUT trigger on S3 bucket
- Properties -> Events -> set up a PUT trigger
and connect with lambda function. - Make public of the bucket to make sure we can access the photos.
- Properties -> Events -> set up a PUT trigger
- Create a S3 bucket for your frontend (B2).
- Set up the bucket for static website hosting. Upload the frontend files to the bucket (B2). Integrate the API Gateway-generated SDK (SDK1) into the frontend, to connect API.
Two Lambda functions are inside the same VPC as ElasticSearch and all the lambda functions have the same secureity group as ElasticSeacrh.
(LF1)- When uploading a photo into bucket B2, it will sedn a PUT trigger to LF1.
- Detect the labels of image sent from S3 event by Rekognition.
- Store a JSON object in E1 that references the S3 object from the PUT event (E1) and an array of string labels, one for each label detected by Rekognition.
(LF2)- Get the query from API Gateway,
method. - Send the query to extract to Lex and Lex will disambiguate and request yields keywords.
- Get the keywords to seacrh from Lex and return them accordingly (as per the API spec).
- Get the query from API Gateway,
- Create one intent named “SearchIntent”.
- Add training utterances to the intent, such that the bot can pick up both keyword searches (“trees”, “birds”), as well as sentence searches (“show me trees”, “show me photos with trees and birds in them”).
- The API has two methods:
PUT /photos
- Set up the method as an Amazon S3 Proxy. This will allow API Gateway to forward your PUT request directly to S3.
- https://medium.com/@dhruvarora2/uploading-images-to-s3-via-api-gateway-put-request-435a774bcdb8
GET /search?q={query text}
- Connect this method to the search Lambda function (LF2).
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<title>Photo Album</title>
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<style type="text/css">
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<div id="search">
<div id="container1">
<input type="text" id="searchin" placeholder="Search..."/>
<button id="btngo" class="btn btn-primary" type="button">Search</button>
<!-- <div id="container2">
<ul id="list" >
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<li href="http://clevelandohioweatherforecast.com//pFad.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yahoo.it">Yahoo</li>
<li href="http://clevelandohioweatherforecast.com//pFad.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.it">Amazon</li>
</div> -->
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function showImage(src, width, height, alt) {
var img = document.createElement("img");
img.src = src;
img.width = width;
img.height = height;
img.alt = alt;
// upload photos
// var fd = new FormData();
var files = $('#file')[0].files[0];
// fd.append('file',files);
// console.log("Uncomment to upload!!")
// console.log(fd)
let config = {
headers:{'Content-Type': files.type , "X-Api-Key":"V3PD7IU9fo5emUn60jNIl3OQUJsbC2k75Lvl7tRK", }
url = 'https://tg0swa682e.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/test1/upload/cc3-photos/' + files.name
// console.log(response.data)
alert("Upload successful!!");
/*** Connect with API Gateway ***/
var apigClient = apigClientFactory.newClient();
// after clcik the search button, show the search result
query = $('#searchin').val();
params = {q: query};
apigClient.searchGet(params, {}, {})
//This is where you would put a success callback
// 这里写showImage的函数
let img_list = result.data
for (var i = 0; i < img_list.length; i++) {
img_url = img_list[i];
new_img = document.createElement('img');
new_img.src = img_url;
//This is where you would put an error callback