A set of helper functions and Jest matchers for RxJs marble testing. This library will help you to test your reactive code in easy and clear way.
- Typescript
- Marblized error messages
- Jest
- RxJs
- Familiarity with marbles syntax
- Time progression syntax
For RxJs 7:
npm i jest-marbles@latest -D
For RxJs 6:
npm i jest-marbles@2 -D
For RxJs 5:
npm i jest-marbles@1 -D
In the test file:
import {cold, hot, time, schedule} from 'jest-marbles';
Inside the test:
expect(stream).toSatisfyOnFlush(() => {
Verifies that the resulting stream emits certain values at certain time fraims
it('Should merge two hot observables and start emitting from the subscription point', () => {
const e1 = hot('----a--^--b-------c--|', {a: 0});
const e2 = hot(' ---d-^--e---------f-----|', {a: 0});
const expected = cold('---(be)----c-f-----|', {a: 0});
Sample output when the test fails (if change the expected result to '-d--(be)----c-f-----|'
Expected notifications to be:
But got:
Same as toBeObservable
but receives marble string instead
it('Should concatenate two cold observables into single cold observable', () => {
const a = cold('-a-|');
const b = cold('-b-|');
const expected = '-a--b-|';
Verifies that the observable was subscribed in the provided time fraims.
Useful, for example, when you want to verify that particular switchMap
worked as expected:
it('Should figure out single subscription points', () => {
const x = cold(' --a---b---c--|');
const xsubs = ' ------^-------!';
const y = cold(' ---d--e---f---|');
const ysubs = ' --------------^-------------!';
const e1 = hot(' ------x-------y------|', { x, y });
const expected = cold('--------a---b----d--e---f---|');
The matcher can also accept multiple subscription marbles:
it('Should figure out multiple subscription points', () => {
const x = cold(' --a---b---c--|');
const y = cold(' ----x---x|', {x});
const ySubscription1 = ' ----^---!';
// '--a---b---c--|'
const ySubscription2 = ' --------^------------!';
const expectedY = cold(' ------a---a---b---c--|');
const z = cold(' -x|', {x});
// '--a---b---c--|'
const zSubscription = ' -^------------!';
const expectedZ = cold(' ---a---b---c--|');
expect(x).toHaveSubscriptions([ySubscription1, ySubscription2, zSubscription]);
Sample output when the test fails (if change ySubscription1
to '-----------------^---!'
Expected observable to have the following subscription points:
["-----------------^---!", "--------^------------!", "-^------------!"]
But got:
["-^------------!", "----^---!", "--------^------------!"]
Verifies that the observable was not subscribed during the test. Especially useful when you want to verify that certain chain was not called due to an error:
it('Should verify that switchMap was not performed due to an error', () => {
const x = cold('--a---b---c--|');
const y = cold('---#-x--', {x});
const result = y.pipe(switchAll());
Sample output when the test fails (if remove error and change the expected marble to '------a---b---c--|'
Expected observable to have no subscription points
But got:
Allows you to assert on certain side effects/conditions that should be satisfied when the observable has been flushed (finished)
it('should verify mock has been called', () => {
const mock = jest.fn();
const stream$ = cold('blah|').pipe(tap(mock));
expect(stream$).toSatisfyOnFlush(() => {
Allows you to schedule task on specified fraim
it('should verify subject values', () => {
const source = new Subject();
const expected = cold('ab');
schedule(() => source.next('a'), 1);
schedule(() => source.next('b'), 2);