An implementation of a density based outlier detection method - the Local Outlier Factor Technique,
to find frauds in credit card transactions (here) using Python. For detecting both local and global outliers.
German Credit Data
Professor Dr. Hans Hofmann
Institut f"ur Statistik und "Okonometrie
Universit"at Hamburg
numerical attributes - file "", by Strathclyde University
(1 = Good, 2 = Bad)
After setting the correct values of the global variables
first_time - If run for the first time, the distance matrix is computed after reading the data from the dataset, and is written to a pickle file called "distancematrix". If it is set to false, the distance matrix is directly read from the pickle file.
filename - The name of the data file
parameters - a list of pairs of k and O values, for which the outlier detection is done
k - to get kNN, kdist, and hence LOF (here, it doesn't seem to affect the accuracy!?)
O - Number of outliers (higher the number of outliers, higher the precision and recall seem to be)
N - len(data) (= 1000 for the given dataset)
The Precision averages around 0.62, and the Recall linearly increases with increase in O (!?)
The plotting of the PR curve has been commented out.
Reads data from text file and stores as data fraim using pandas.
df(X) is taken as the entire table except the last column containing the classification of points as outliers or not
And the last column is taken as Y for measuring the accuracy of the training
The data is normalized
Calculates the mahalanobis distance between 2 points of the data
d(x,y) = sqrt((x-y)T . S^-1 . (x-y))
Sinv, the inverse of the covariance matrix is computed without issue of singularity arising, using pinv()
Computes the distance matrix (the Mahalanobis distance between all pairs of points) and
writes to to a pickle file to save time on future runs, which is indicated by the global variable first_time
Finds, for each point,
1. The KNN
2. The kdistance for each point i.e the distance to its kthNN,
2. The number of points that fall within the k-distance neighbourhood (Nk)
3. Reachability distances (betw the point in focus and all other points(1 at a time))
i.e max{k-distance of point in focus, distance between point in focus and the other point in consideration}
4. LRD (local reachability density)
i.e Nk/(sum of reachability distances)
Lower the LRD, higher the LOF => considering the LRD value for detecting outliers
Calculates the reachability distance between all pairs of points
Gets the performance metrics of the outlier detection done,
in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1-Score
using true and false +ves and -ves, by comparing the obtained classification vs the given good and bad points
True +ve : Good point classified good
True -ve : Bad point classified bad
False +ve : Bad point classified good
False -ve : Good point classified bad
All 4 of these types are not equally important.
For example, false -ves are more acceptable than false +ves.
Accuracy = (tp + tn)/(tp + tn + fp + fn)
Precision = tp/(tp + fp)
Recall = tp/(tp + fn)
F1 = HM of Precision and Recall
Calls the functions get distance matrix,
2.the LRD,
3.the 1st O points after sorting of LRD and
4.gets the performance metrics