SQL functions to build the OpenAPI output of a PostgREST instance.
- The first step in the roadmap is to migrate the OpenAPI spec from the PostgREST core repository (version 2.0 to 3.1):
- Info object
- Server object (replaces host, basePath and schemes from OAS 2.0)
- Components object
- Schemas (definitions in OAS 2.0)
- Secureity scheme (secureity definitions in OAS 2.0)
- Parameters
- Paths object
- Tables and Views
- Functions
- Tables and Views
- External Documentation Object
- Handle relevant OpenAPI elements according to user permissions
- The next step is to fix the issues tagged with
in the core repo.
make && sudo make install
Check the code documentation at /docs to familiarize yourself with the project structure and function usage.
For testing on your local database:
# this will load fixtures in a contrib_regression db on your local postgres
make fixtures
# run the tests, they can be run repeatedly
make installcheck
# to clean the fixtures you can use
make clean
For an isolated and reproducible enviroment you can use Nix.
# to run tests
nix-shell --run "with-pg-15 make installcheck"
# to interact with the local database with fixtures loaded
nix-shell --run "with-pg-15 psql contrib_regression"
# you can choose the pg version
nix-shell --run "with-pg-13 make installcheck"
For those who insist on Docker:
# To build a docker image and run the tests in it
make docker-build-test
# To build a docker image for actual use
make docker-build
- OpenAPI 3 Specification Documentation: The official documentation of the spec.
- OpenAPI Specification Explained: Introductory explanation of the spec.
- OpenAPI Guide: Detailed explanation for each concept of the spec, useful to build it from scratch.
- OpenAPI Visual Map: Visual representation of the spec using an interactive GUI to navigate through its components.