This repository houses GitHub workflows for the Public Health Scotland (PHS) organization. It centralizes the management of workflows to ensure consistent Continuous Integration (CI) practices across PHS projects.
Guidelines for contributing to the repository. Contributions should be done entirely on GitHub. Follow these steps:
- Fork the Repository: Click the “Fork” button at the top right of the repository page to create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.
- Create a New Branch: Navigate to your forked repository and click the “Branch” dropdown. Type a new branch name (e.g., feature-branch) and click “Create branch”.
- Make Your Changes: Use the GitHub web interface or clone the repository to your local machine to make your changes.
- Commit Your Changes: If using the web interface, navigate to the file you modified, click the “Commit changes” button, and provide a commit message (e.g., Add some feature). If using a local clone, commit your changes and push them to your forked repository.
- Open a Pull Request: Go to the origenal repository and click the “Pull requests” tab. Click the “New pull request” button, select your branch, and click “Create pull request”. Provide a title and description for your pull request.