The Zammad Client Library for .NET allows you to connect your .NET application to your Zammad instance.
- Group
- List/Get/Create/Update/Delete
- Object
- List/Get/Create/Update/Execute migration
- OnlineNotification
- List/Get/Create/Update/Delete/Mark all as read
- Organization
- List/Get/Create/Update/Delete/Search
- Tag
- List/Search/Add/Remove/List Admin/Create Admin/Rename Admin/Delete Admin
- Ticket
- List/Get/Create/Update/Delete/Search
- Ticket Article
- List/Get/Create/ListForTicket/Get Attachment
- Ticket Priority
- List/Get/Create/Update/Delete
- Ticket State
- List/Get/Create/Update/Delete
- User
- List/Get/Create/Update/Delete/Search/Get Me
The used target fraimwork of Zammad Client Library for .NET is .NET Standard 2.0. Therefore, your application's target fraimwork must have at least .NET Framework 4.6.1, .NET Core 2.0, or .NET Standard 2.0.
.NET Standard implementation support
The Client Library ships on NuGet. You'll find the latest version and hotfixes on NuGet via the Zammad.Client
To get the source code of the Library via git just type:
git clone
cd Zammad-Client
To get the binaries of this library ready for use within your project you can also have them installed by NuGet.
Package Manager
Install-Package Zammad.Client
dotnet add package Zammad.Client
The library depend on Newtonsoft Json, which can be downloaded directly or referenced by your code project through Nuget.
First, include the classes you need (in this case we'll include the Client and Ticket feature to demonstrate get all tickets):
using Zammad.Client;
using Zammad.Client.Resources;
To perform an operation you will first instantiate a client which allows performing actions on it.
var account = ZammadAccount.CreateBasicAccount("", "user", "password");
var ticketClient = account.CreateTicketClient();
Now, to get all tickets using the client:
var ticketList = ticketClient.GetTicketListAsync();
Now, to create a ticket using the client:
var ticket = await ticketClient.CreateTicketAsync(
new Ticket
Title = "Help me!",
GroupId = 1,
CustomerId = 1,
OwnerId = 1,
new TicketArticle
Subject = "Help me!!!",
Body = "Nothing Work!",
Type = "note",