arXiv Vanity renders papers from arXiv as responsive web pages so you don't have to squint at a PDF.
It turns this sort of thing:
Into this:
This is the web interface for viewing papers. The actual LaTeX to HTML conversion (the interesting bit) is done by Engrafo.
Install Docker for Mac or Windows.
Do the initial database migration and set up a user:
$ script/manage migrate
$ script/manage createsuperuser
Then to run the app:
$ docker-compose up --build
Your app is now available at http://localhost:8000. The admin interface is at http://localhost:8000/admin/.
You can scrape the latest papers from arXiv by running:
$ script/manage scrape_papers
It'll probably fetch quite a lot, so hit ctrl-C
when you've got enough.
$ script/test
Thanks to our generous sponsors for supporting the development of arXiv Vanity! Sponsor us to get your logo here.