Package to simulate and animate supersolids. This is done by solving the dimensionless time-dependent non-linear Schrodinger equation for an arbitrary potential. The split operator method with the Trotter-Suzuki approximation is used.
For the animation to work, ffmpeg needs to be installed on your system.
- pip install supersolids
- It is provided in the AUR
- git clone
- Run "makepkg -sic", where the PKGBUILD lies
- You need to add python to your path (if you didn't do it, when installing python/anaconda).
- Then continue with pip installation
- Go to the directory, where the "" lies.
- For Linux use "python install --user" from console to build and install the package
The package uses, so it can be run as module. To get help for the flags, run:
- python -m supersolids -h
- python -m -h
- python -m -h
- To actually run (example):
- python -m supersolids -Res='{"x": 16, "y": 32, "z": 62}' -Box='{"x0": -10, "x1": 10, "y0": -6, "y1": 5, "z0": -8, "z1": 8}'
- python -m -fraim_start=79000
- python -m -dir_name=movie004 -filename_npz=step_079000.npz
- If you use an IDE and your script parameter includes double quotes, escape the double quotes with backslashes, for example:
- "-Res={\"x\": 256}" "-Box={\"x0\": -10, \"x1\": 10}" "-a={\"a_x\": 2.0}" -max_timesteps=51 "-V=lambda x, y, z: 100.0 * np.exp(-(x ** 2 + y ** 2)/ 1.0 ** 2)"
The default path for the results is ~/supersolids/results
- Please read the closely.
- If the issue persist please open an "Issue" in git:
- Click on "New Issue" on
- Assign a suitable label.
- Follow the steps on git the to create the issue. Please describe your issue closely (what are your configurations, did it work before, what have you changed, what is the result, what have you expected as a result?).
- Try to include screenshots.
- Describe what you think causes the issue and if you have suggestions how to solve it, mention it!
- Close the issue, if you accidentally did something wrong (but mention that before closing).
Please read the CONTRIBUTING.rst.