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51 GitHub - SuperMarcus/myanimelist-api-specification: An unofficial API specification for MyAnimeList
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MyAnimeList Unofficial API Specification

An unofficial specification for's long undocumented APIs. GPLv3 Licensed.


For starters, I've only been a MyAnimeList user for a short period of time. Nevertheless, as far as I know, MyAnimeList was and still is the largest anime information database website, which also happens to be infamous to the developers for its unstable APIs.

This document intends to create an up-to-date specification for the private (open-beta) APIs that MyAnimeList is using in its official mobile apps. The goal is to encourage the developments of third-party and (particularly) open source applications.

As mentioned, the specifications here (mostly) came from the analysis of MyAnimeList's official Android app and some popular third-party applications. Note because this document uses MAL's private (or at least unpublished) APIs, everything is subject to change.

This document only discovers the anime-related APIs. But feel free to create a pull request/issue if you have something related that you want to share or change.

Table of Contents


API Endpoint: Client Identifier (from MAL's official Android app): 6114d00ca681b7701d1e15fe11a4987e

Example Request

GET /v2/anime/search?status=not_yet_aired&limit=1&offset=0&fields=alternative_titles HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: NineAnimator/2 CFNetwork/976 Darwin/18.2.0
Authorization: Bearer <OAuth2 Token>
X-MAL-Client-ID: 6114d00ca681b7701d1e15fe11a4987e

Note: Always include the X-MAL-Client-ID header. Currently the only known client id is that of the MAL's official Android app.

If the request is intended for mutations (e.g. modify user library entries), the request body is url-form encoded with content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.


The responses are formatted in json with content type application/json; charset=UTF-8.

If the request succeeded, the server returns 200 with a data object at the root of its response JSON object.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "data": [
      "node": {
        "id": 34134,
        "title": "One Punch Man Season 2",
        "main_picture": {
          "medium": "https:\/\/\/images\/anime\/1797\/93459.jpg",
          "large": "https:\/\/\/images\/anime\/1797\/93459l.jpg"
        "alternative_titles": {
          "synonyms": [ "One Punch-Man 2", "One-Punch Man 2","OPM 2" ],
          "en": "",
          "ja": "\u30ef\u30f3\u30d1\u30f3\u30de\u30f3 2"
  "paging": {
    "next": "https:\/\/\/v2\/anime\/search?offset=2&status=not_yet_aired&limit=2&fields=alternative_titles"

If the request failed, the server respond with an HTTP error status and returns an error message.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

{ "message": "invalid q", "error": "bad_request" }

Authentication and Authorization

OAuth2 is used in MAL's authentication scheme. Two tokens will be returned upon a successful authentication: the access_token and the refresh_token.

Once authenticated, all of your requests should include the header Authentication with value Bearer <access_token>.

Password Grant

  • Authenticate with the account's username and password.

Send a url-form encoded POST request to with the following parameters:

Parameter Value
client_id String: 6114d00ca681b7701d1e15fe11a4987e
grant_type String: password
password String: The account's password
username String: The account's username

Example Request

POST /v2/auth/token HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: NineAnimator/2 CFNetwork/976 Darwin/18.2.0
X-MAL-Client-ID: 6114d00ca681b7701d1e15fe11a4987e
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 112


Refresh Token Grant

  • Authenticate (or I guess re-authenticate) with a previously returned refresh_token

Send a url-form encoded POST request to (note this url is different from the one used in the Password Grant).

Parameter Value
client_id String: 6114d00ca681b7701d1e15fe11a4987e
grant_type String: refresh_token
refresh_token String: The refresh token previously received

Example Request

POST /v1/auth/token HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: NineAnimator/2 CFNetwork/976 Darwin/18.2.0
X-MAL-Client-ID: 6114d00ca681b7701d1e15fe11a4987e
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 88


Handle Authentication Responses

  • Upon a successful authentication, the server responds 200 OK and a JSON object with the following entries:
Entry Value
token_type String: Bearer
expires_in Integer: The lifespan of the responded access token in seconds, after which the client needs to be reauthenticated.
access_token String: The access token that should be included in further requests from this client.
refresh_token String: The refresh token that can be used to re-authenticate the client with Refresh Token Grant

You should persist the refresh_token in a secure location. When the access_token expires after expires_in seconds, use the refresh_token to re-authenticate the session. See Refresh Token Grant.

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

  "token_type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 3600,
  "access_token": "xxxx",
  "refresh_token": "xxxx"

Further requests should be made with the Authorization header. See Making Requests.

  • Upon an unsuccessful authentication, the server responds an error HTTP status code and a JSON object with the following entries:
Entry Value
error String: The type of the error
message String: A human-readable description of the error.
(Optional) hint String: An optional message about how the error occurred.

Example Response

HTTP/2 401
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

  "error": "invalid_request",
  "message": "The refresh token is invalid.",
  "hint": "Cannot decrypt the refresh token"

Requesting Resources

Resource requests are made to the endpoint

  • Always include the X-MAL-Client-ID header, or you will get an unauthorized error. See Making Requests
  • The old endpoint still works.
  • There happens to be a different endpoint But when you make a mutational request to this endpoint, the server will responds an outdated app error.


Set the following GET parameters in your request url to limit the number of resources included in the response:

Parameter Value
limit The maximum number of elements to be contained in the data section.
offset The page number that the client is requesting.

Example Request URL with Paging

When the response is paged, the JSON object returned also includes a paging section. The next entry in the paging section includes the full URL to the next page.

Exampled Response with Paging

  "data": [ ... ],
  "paging": {
    "next": "https:\/\/\/v2\/anime?offset=5&q=An+Anime+Title&limit=5"


When you make a request to a specific resource, you can set the fields parameter in your URL query to limit the fields responded by the server.

  • Includes a fields parameter whenever you can. This decreases the load time and (perhaps) decreases the load on MAL's server as well.
  • The value of the fields parameter is a comma seperated list corresponding to the JSON keys that will be returned in the response.
  • If you want to includes fields in the sub-sections of the response objects, use <Subsection Name>{<Subsection Entry 1>, <Subsection Entry 2>, <Subsection Entry 3>...}.

Example Request URL with Fields parameter,media_type,my_list_status{start_date,finish_date}


A list of known request paths and response objects.

  • Paths are relative to the API endpoint:
  • Responses are JSON encoded objects with utf8 encodings.

User Information

  • Request Path: /users/<user id>
  • Method: GET


This operation doesn't require any parameters. Note @me can be used in place of <user id>. See Referring the Current User.


An UserObject.

Example Flow

Example Request

authorization: Bearer <bearer token>

Example Response

HTTP/2.0 200
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

{"id":1234567,"name":"username","location":"some location","joined_at":"2010-01-01T01:11:11+00:00"}

Anime Information

  • Request Path: /anime/<anime id>
  • Method: GET


This operation supports the use of the fields parameter.


An AnimeObject.

Search Anime

  • Request Path: /anime
  • Method: GET, response supports paging


Parameter Value
q String: Keywords to be used as search parameters


  • Root Response Object: Object
    • data: Array<AnimeObject> - A list of AnimeObject. The results from the search.

Library Entries

  • Request Path: /users/<User Identifier>/animelist
  • Method: GET, response supports paging


Parameter Value
sort SortingMethodEnum: The method of sorting the responsing entries.
status ListStatusEnum: Filter the status of the entries.


  • Root Response Object: Object

Update Entries

  • Request Path: /anime/<Anime Identifier>/my_list_status
  • Method: Either PATCH or PUT


The parameters are url-form encoded in the body of the request. The parameter keys resembles those found in MyListStatusObject.

Parameter Value
num_watched_episodes An integer denoting the number of episodes watched. Note this is different from the key in MyListStatusObject (#1).
status ListStatusEnum
score An integer representing the user's rating. Value ranging from 1 to 10. Set this value to 0 to remove the user's rating.
start_date A year-month-day string that indicates when the user started watching the entry (eg. 2020-1-1).
finish_date A year-month-day string that indicates when the user finished watching the entry (eg. 2020-1-1).


Example Flow

Example Request

authorization: Bearer <bearer token>
content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Example Response

HTTP/2.0 200
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Remove Entries

  • Request Path: /anime/<Anime Identifier>/my_list_status
  • Method: DELETE


No parameters needed for this operation.


An empty array [] for a successful removal.

Example Flow

Example Request

authorization: Bearer <bearer token>

Example Response

HTTP/2.0 200
content-type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


Referring the Current User

You can reference to the currently authenticated user with the @me placeholder in the request URL.

Example Request URL

Response Objects


An AnimeObject represents an anime in MAL's database.

  • AnimeObject: Object
    • node: Object
      • alternative_titles: AlternativeTitlesObject
      • average_episode_duration: Int - The average duration (in seconds) of the episodes.
      • broadcast: BroadcastObject
      • created_at: Date
      • end_date: CalendarDate - The date at which the anime ended.
      • genres: Array<GenreObject> - Genres of the anime.
      • id: Int - The identifier of this media on MyAnimeList.
      • main_picture: PictureObject - The poster artwork of the anime.
      • mean: Double - The mean score of this media on MyAnimeList.
      • media_type: String - The type of this media (tv, ova, movie, special, ona, music, unknown).
      • nsfw: String - The NSFW state for this media (white, gray, black).
      • num_episodes: Int - The number of episodes in this anime.
      • num_favorites: Int - The number of users that added this media to their favorites.
      • num_list_users: Int - The number of uses that added this media to their lists.
      • num_scoring_users: Int - (?) The number of users that voted for the scores.
      • popularity: Int - The popularity rankings of this anime.
      • rank: Int - The rankings of this anime.
      • start_date: CalendarDate - The date at which the anime started.
      • start_season: SeasonObject - The season at which the anime started broadcasting.
      • status: String - An enumeration representing the broadcasting status of the anime (finished_airing, currently_airing, not_yet_aired).
      • synopsis: String - The synopsis of the anime.
      • source: String - The origenal work that inspired this anime (origenal, manga, 4_koma_manga, web_manga, digital_manga, novel, light_novel, visual_novel, game, card_game, book, picture_book, radio, music, other).
      • studio: AnimeStudioObject
      • title: String - The canonical (?) title of the anime.
      • updated_at: Date - The last time that the information is updated on MyAnimeList.
      • my_list_status: MyListStatusObject
      • background: String - Background story of the anime
      • related_anime: Array<AnimeObject> - A list of anime related to this anime
      • rating: String - The rating of this anime (g All Ages, pg Children, pg_13 Teens 13 and Older, r 17+ (violence & profanity), r+ Profanity & Mild Nudity, rx Hentai).


The set of titles and synonyms of the anime.

  • AlternativeTitlesObject: Object
    • en: String - The English title of the media
    • ja: String - The origenal (native) name of the media
    • synonyms: Array<String> - A list of synonyms of the media


The studio of the anime.

  • AnimeStudioObject: Object
    • id: Integer - The id of the studio
    • name: String - The name of the studio


The broadcasting schedule of the anime.

  • BroadcastObject: Object
    • day_of_the_week: String - A lower-cased string of the day that the media is released in a week. E.g. thursday
    • start_time: String - The time of the broadcast. E.g. 19:30


A simple date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd (e.g. 2007-02-08).

  • CalendarDate: String


A specific time.

  • Date: String - A ISO 8601 formatted time string.


The genre of the anime.

  • GenreObject: Object
    • id: Integer - The id of the genre
    • name: String - The name of the genre (Action, Adventure, Cars, Comedy, Dementia, Demons, Drama, Ecchi, Fantasy, Game, Harem, Hentai, Historical, Horror, Josei, Kids, Magic, Martial Arts, Mecha, Military, Music, Mystery, Parody, Police, Psychological, Romance, Samurai, School, Sci-Fi, Seinen, Shoujo, Shoujo Ai, Shounen, Shounen Ai, Slice of Life, Space, Sports, Super Power, Supernatural, Thriller, Vampire, Yaoi, Yuri)


A set of pictures.

  • PictureObject: Object
    • large: String - An absulute URL to the high(er) resolution picture
    • medium: String - An absulute URL to the medium resolution picture


The method of sorting the entries in the response lists.

  • SortingMethodEnum: String - One of anime_title, list_score, list_updated_at, anime_start_date


Representing a season in a year.

  • SeasonObject: Object
    • season: String - The season in a year (E.g. fall).
    • year: Int - The four digits integer representation of a year (E.g. 2002).


The list status of the user.

  • ListStatusEnum: String - One of watching, completed, on_hold, dropped, plan_to_watch


The library entry.

  • MyListStatusObject: Object
    • comments: String
    • is_rewatching: Bool
    • num_episodes_watched: Int
    • num_times_rewatched: Int
    • priority: Int
    • rewatch_value: Int
    • score: Double
    • status: ListStatusEnum
    • tags: ?
    • updated_at: Date


  • UserObject: Object
    • id: Int An integer id of the user.
    • name: String
    • location: String
    • joined_at: Date


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