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Coding Standards and Practices

What follows collects our coding standards and practices. Where it makes sense, examples have been given to illustrate the particular standard or description of practice.

As much as possible, this document attempts to follow the definitions of the terms MUST, SHOULD and MAY (and their negations) as defined in RFC2119.

In many cases in this document, code commenting constructs are used to provide additional in-place explanations of the process or standard being explained. Additionally, those constructs may be abbreviated in an attempt to reduce distraction from that which is being explained. Neither of these uses of commenting constructs are intended to provide examples of how such constructs should be used in practice.

Table of Contents

  1. General
    1. Header Comment
    2. 'use strict';
    3. Single-Quoted Strings
    4. Indentation Character
    5. Equality Operators === and !==
    6. Truthy and Falsy
      1. Casting To Boolean With !! and !
    7. Identifier Naming
      1. Private Functions In Modules
    8. Accessing Globals
      1. Server-Side Node.js Code
      2. Client-Side Code
    9. Using require In Node.js
    10. Using parseInt
    11. Constructing and Raising Errors
    12. Logging Errors
    13. Promises
      1. Promise Structure
      2. Promisification Options and The Deferred Pattern
        1. The Explicit Construction Anti-Pattern
      3. Starting a Promise Chain
  2. Application Layers
    1. Route Layer
      1. HTTP Verbs
      2. API Documentation
    2. Controller Layer
      1. Route Parameters and Query Parameters
    3. DAL Layer
    4. Adapter Layer
  3. Data Retrieval
    1. SQL Query Formatting and Execution
    2. Pagination and Sorting
      1. Validating the sortby Parameter
    3. Empty Result vs. Not Found
    4. Transactionalized SQL


These are the general standards and practices that apply, more or less, across the board for most of our applications.

Check out the CHANGELOG to see what's new and what has been changed.

Header Comment

The first line of each file MUST be the copyright header comment. See Copyright Header for examples of appropriate format in various programming languages. The header MUST contain the following components:

Copyright (C) <year> TeraLogics. All Rights Reserved.

The value of <year> should be selected when the file is created. It is not necessary to update the value of year in the future.

'use strict';

At a minimum, every outermost function scope MUST have 'use strict'; as the first non-comment line, or MUST be inheriting strict mode from the file. This statement places the ECMAScript 5 interpreter into strict mode. ECMAScript 6+ module code is always executed in strict mode, but the 'use strict'; statement produces no negative effect.

For server-side JavaScript, this example is the boilerplate from which all files should be produced.

 * Copyright (C) 2016 TeraLogics, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

'use strict';

// file contents

For client-side JavaScript, the 'use strict'; statement will be at the top of the outermost function scope.

 * Copyright (C) 2016 TeraLogics. All Rights Reserved.

(function () {
	'use strict';

	// file contents

Single-Quoted Strings

In JavaScript, either single quotes, double quotes or back ticks (`) are valid delimiters for string literals. All code SHOULD use single quoted strings.

In situations where the string literal contains a significant plurality of single quotes, double-quoted or back-ticked strings MAY be used.

var story = "Steve's father's sister's cousin's favorite uncle's trainer's massage therapist.";

All SQL statements MUST be written using double-quoted strings. See SQL Query Formatting and Execution.

var sql = [
	"SELECT name, age",
	"FROM people",
	"WHERE department = 'gym'"

ECMAScript 6 Template Literals require the use of back-ticked strings.

var name = 'Chris',
	state = 'rambunctious';

console.log(`${name} is ${state}!`); // Chris is rambunctious!

Indentation Character

All files MUST be indented with a single tab (\t) character per indentation level unless the format of the file explicitly forbids it. Where possible, the code editor SHOULD be configured to display the indent as four (4) spaces. Hanging and other formatting indentation (often automated by the IDE) using space is permitted.

Equality Operators === and !==

All equality and inequality comparisons MUST be performed with the strict equality operator (===) and the strict inequality operator (!==), respectively. These operators will return true only if the two operands' values are of the same type and are equivalent. The equality operator (==) and inequality operator (!=) will perform type coercion (implicit type casting) to arrive at a common type before performing the comparison. In almost all cases, comparisons are explicitly intended to operate on two values of the same type. Using the triple-equals operator can help find logic or process errors and will more explicitly state the intention of the statement.

This example shows some of the differing behaviours of the strict and non-strict comparison operators.

1    == '1'        // true
0    == false      // true
null == undefined  // true
1    != true       // false

1    === 1         // true
1    === '1'       // false
0    === false     // false
1    !== true      // true
null === undefined // false

Truthy and Falsy

In JavaScript, a falsy value is a value that translates to false when evaluated in a Boolean context. All values not defined as falsy are truthy and will translate to true when evaluated in a Boolean context. All of the following values are falsy:

0 // zero
"" || '' || `` // empty string

All other values are truthy. It is important to consider falsy values when writing certain kinds of code.

When providing default values for omitted inputs, be aware of the falsy values present in the data type of the inputs. In the final call in the example, below, even though non-null / undefined values are passed in, because zero (0) and false are both falsy, the defaulting code is unintentionally triggered. In these cases, other methods of detecting unspecified inputs and assigning default values MUST be used.

function report(count, flag) {
	count = count || 35;
	flag = flag || true;
	console.log(`count=${count} flag=${flag}`);

report();         // count=35 flag=true
report(12, true); // count=12 flag=true
report(0, false); // count=35 flag=true

When a function is designed to return a Boolean value, care must be taken to take into account how values are returned from Boolean statements. In the following example, several conditions are composed to produce the return value. Because an empty string ('') and zero (0) are falsy, the possible return types for this function are undefined, Number, String and Boolean!

function check(list, name) {
	return list && list.length && name && list[0] === name;

check();                   // undefined
check([]);                 // 0 (zero)
check(['Chris'], '');      // '' (empty string)
check(['Chris'], 'Chris'); // true

In order to ensure that the only type that is returned from this function is Boolean, all of the conditional components must be cast from truthy or falsy to Boolean.

Casting To Boolean With !! and !

The type of the return value of the unary logical not operator ! will always be Boolean. Applying the ! operator to any falsy value will return true. Similarly, applying the ! operator twice will effectively cast any truthy or falsy value to true or false, respectively. Given that, the above check(list, name) function MUST be rewritten as follows to ensure that the only possible return type is Boolean.

function check(list, name) {
	return !!list && !!list.length && !!name && list[0] === name;

check();                   // false
check([]);                 // false
check(['Chris'], '');      // false
check(['Chris'], 'Chris'); // true

Identifier Naming

The following conventions SHOULD be used when selecting names for identifiers:

  • Data - Identifiers for inert data should be nouns. If the data is a collection, the noun should be plural.
  • Functions - Identifiers for functions should be verbs or verb phrases. If the function returns a Boolean value, the function name should start with a prefix like is, has, should, can, etc.
var employee = {
		name: 'Chris',
		age: 33
	employees = [employee];

function isOld(employee) {
	return employee.age > 30;

function shouldTerminate(employee) {
	return ! || % 3 === 0;

var toTerminate = _.find(employees, function (employee) {
	return isOld(employee) || shouldTerminate(employee);

Private Functions In Modules

When writing functions for modules, whether they be server-side Node.js modules or client-side modules of some kind, the name of any function that is not exported from the module MUST be prefixed with an underscore (_).

exports.getGreeting = function (name) {
	return _formatGreeting(name);	

function _formatGreeting(name) {
	return `Hello, ${name}, how are you today?`;

Accessing Globals

The global space SHOULD be used sparingly, but in some cases can greatly simplify code. In those cases, certain conventions can be used to improve readability and maintainability by making interactions with the global space explicit.

Server-Side Node.js Code

In server-side Node.js code, all variables in the global space MUST be accessed through the global object. There are a handful of exceptions to this rule that reduce code noise for very-commonly-used components. When any of the following are present in the global space, it is not necessary to access them with the global prefix:

In ECMAScript 6, native promise support was added to JavaScript; a global Promise object is already defined in that version of the language. We explicitly overwrite the native promise with bluebird in the global space, as indicated above.

In most of our applications, additions to the global space will be made towards the top of the main/index file for the application.

Client-Side Code

In client-side code, two JSHint directives MUST be used to indicate, for each file, what globals are consumed and what globals are exported.

In this example, the file indicates that it expects the presence of two globals (One and Two) and exports two other globals (Three and Four).

/* globals One, Two */

/* exported Three, Four */

Using require In Node.js

Most of our applications define various globals for the absolute paths to the folders containing the files for application layers and libraries. When using require to import the code from files in those locations, path.join MUST be used to provide the necessary path.

var carsDal = require(path.join(global.__dalsdir, 'cars'));

Using parseInt

When using the parseInt(string, radix) function, the radix parameter MUST be provided. When the radix parameter is not provided, the behavior is determined by the value of the string parameter. In almost all cases, the desired behavior is known at the point when the code is written.

parseInt('42', 10);

Constructing and Raising Errors

Throughout the application code, errors produced by our code MUST use the TLError class. For detailed technical information about the TLError class, see the README in the tl-error module repository.

throw new TLError('Customized message about the error.', TLError.ErrorType);

When creating a new error to indicate a failure state, in most cases, that error should simply be thrown. Select a descriptive error message and select an error type that is appropriate for the kind of failure. Be aware that the text of the error message will be transmitted to the client for most requests.

In some cases, when interacting with libraries or third-party modules, a failure raised by that library or module needs to be handled. In that situation, the error SHOULD be wrapped in a TLError by providing it to the constructor's innerError parameter. In most cases, the error type should be TLError.Internal to indicate that error occurred outside of the basic mechanisms of data exchange. Doing so has two benefits: (1) a friendly error message can be returned to the client; and, (2) the low-level details of the application are concealed.

return lib.doSomething().then(function (result) {
	// process result
}).catch(function (err) {
	// handle the library error
	throw new TLError('Could not do something.', TLError.Internal, err);

Most of our applications have terminal error handling fallback mechanisms. In these mechanisms, if an error is received that is not an instance of TLError, it will be automatically wrapped with a generic error message and an error type of TLError.Internal as a failsafe to ensure that low-level details are protected. Because of this, it is not explicitly necessary to wrap errors manually, but doing so allows the customization of the message which will improve the client's experience.

When instances of TLError are logged, in most of our applications, the fullStack property will be used which provides a stack trace that is aware of the chain of innerErrors. The outer error and stack trace is followed by each inner error, indented progressively farther for each level of nesting.

Logging Errors

In some cases, errors need to be logged outside of the standard process for error logging in the course of a client request. These errors may be: (1) handled, but not intended to be passed all the way out to the client response; or, (2) caught during a process unrelated to an interaction with a client. In these cases, the TLUtil.logError function MUST be used. For detailed technical information about the logError function or other functions in TLUtil, see the README in the tl-util module repository.

The purpose of the logError function is to normalize the output for logged errors. Here are some examples of how it might be used.

.catch(function (err) {
	TLUtil.logError(err); // logs error information at the ERROR level
	TLUtil.logError(err, console.notice); // logs error information at the NOTICE level	

.catch(TLUtil.logError(console.debug)); // provides a function to `catch` that will log the error at the DEBUG level

.catch(TLUtil.logError); // logs the error at the ERROR level


All of our applications use Promises to control the flow of asynchronous operations. A full overview of and guide for using Promises is outside the scope of this document; however, there are a few guidelines to follow when using them.

Promise Structure

One of the issues that Promises are intended to solve is Callback Hell. In Callback Hell, code marches progressively rightward as each asynchronous action's handler executes another asynchronous action requiring and handler and so on. It is perfectly possibly to transition nodeback-style code to Promise code while preserving Callback Hell.

In the first example, nodebacks are simply replaced with promises, one-for-one. In the second example, the promises returned by secondTask and thirdTask are returned from the then function. Promises SHOULD NOT be structured in this way.

firstTask().then(function () {
	secondTask().then(function () {

If a value is returned from a then function, that value becomes the outer promise's resolution value. If a promise is returned from a then function, its entire chain is inserted into the outer promise's chain at the location of the then. In this way, the next then will actually handle the result of the promise returned from the previous then, but on the outer level. Promises SHOULD be structured in this way.

firstTask().then(function () {
	return secondTask();
}).then(function () { 
	return thirdTask();

In this example the actual chain of execution will be p1 -> p2 -> p3 -> p4 -> p5. The p2 -> p3 -> p4 chain is returned from p1's then function and so is executed between p1 and p5.

p1().then(function () {
	return p2().then(function () {
		return p3();
	}).then(function () {
		return p4();
}).then(function () {
	return p5();

Following the guideline above, this promise chain should actually be written as the following:

p1().then(function () {
	return p2();
}).then(function () {
	return p3();
}).then(function () {
	return p4();
}).then(function () {
	return p5();

An exception to that kind of structure is when a subordinate promise chain should be executed conditionally. In this example, there are two possible chains:

  1. p1 -> p2 -> p3 -> p5
  2. p1 -> p4 -> p5

The control-of-flow statements in p1's then function switch between the two internal promise chains.

p1().then(function () {
	if (something) {
		return p2().then(function () {
			return p3();
	} else {
		return p4();	
}).then(function () {
	return p5();

Promisification Options and The Deferred Pattern

When interacting with asynchronous code outside of your control, it may be necessary to translate some sort of callback-based asynchrony to promises in order to integrate it with the rest of an application's code; this is called "promisification". To do this, there are three main possibilities that SHOULD be used in most cases:

  • Using promisify or promisifyAll.
    These should be used in cases where there is a readily-accessible callback-based function to translate.
  • Using fromCallback.
    This should be used in cases where the callback-based function is not readily accessible, but will become accessible during execution.
  • Manual translation using the Promise constructor.
    This should be used in cases where neither of the above methods work.

In this example, the promisify utility is used to generate a function that returns a promise. This is possible because the function getWeather is exposed directly on the module weather-lib.

const weatherLib = require('weather-lib');

const getWeather = Promise.promisify(weatherLib.getWeather);

exports.getWeather = function (zipcode) {
	return getWeather(zipcode);

In this example, the fromCallback utility is used to generate a function that returns a promise. promisify cannot be used, because the library requires an intermediate step before the function that would be promisified is exposed.

const weatherLib = require('weather-lib');

exports.getWeather = function (region, zipcode) {
	return Promise.fromCallback(function (callback) {
		// Setting the region exposes the weather-getter function for that region.
		return weatherLib.useRegion(region).getWeather(zipcode, callback);

In this example, Promise constructor is used to generate a function that returns a promise. Neither promisify nor fromCallback can be used because the library exposes information using an EventEmitter.

const weatherLib = require('weather-lib');

exports.getWeather = function (zipcode, nearbyMiles) {
	return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
		// Create a finder that pulls weather information for some miles around a zipcode.
		let finder = weatherLib.createZoneFinder(zipcode, nearbyMiles),
			weather = [];
		finder.on('weather', function (data) {
			// Each time new weather info comes in, add it to the list.
		finder.on('end', function () {
			// When we're done, resolve with the whole list.
		finder.on('error', function (err) {
			// Reject if we get an error.

In some code examples, you may see a deferred object being used for this kind of translation. This pattern is deprecated and MUST NOT be used. Either one of the methods, above, or another supported method in bluebird MUST be used in its place.

The Explicit Construction Anti-Pattern

In this example, the deprecated deferred pattern is used to interact with an inner promise.

function getCars() {
	var deferred = Promise.defer();
	carsDal.getCars().then(function (result) {
	}).catch(function (err) {
	return deferred.promise;

This kind of code is an anti-pattern because there is no need to wrap the call to carsDal.getCars as it already returns a promise. The result of that promise can simply be returned from the wrapping getCars function as in this example.

function getCars() {
	return carsDal.getCars();

These two examples are functionally equivalent, though the second example is far less noisy without the unnecessary layers of indirection. As a consequence, the second example is easier to read and maintain, and represents the structure to which this kind of code MUST conform.

Starting a Promise Chain

In most cases, it is the responsibility of the adapter layer to begin the promise chain. More than that, it is critical for other code interacting with functions on the adapter layer and the DAL layer that they always return a promise. If a library function that returns a promise cannot be used as the point of origen, there are several options in the bluebird library for creating that initial promise. Most of the functions listed here are more flexible than the single use case described. See the linked documentation for more in-depth details.

There are other ways that bluebird can be used to begin a promise chain, but these will be the most common.

Application Layers

Application code is divided into layers. Each layer is responsible for a certain portion of the handling of a request.

Layer Description
Route The route layer (or "resources" layer) is responsible for defining the text of each path and connecting that path to its handler function in the controller layer.
Controller The controller layer is responsible for handling the request passed to it by the route layer. The request is translated into a tuple that passes the data on to the DAL layer.
DAL The Data Abstraction Layer (...layer) is responsible for validating the contents of the tuple it is provided by the controller layer. It then coordinates calls to whatever functions in the adapter layer are required to handled the request.
Adapter The adapter layer (or "model" layer, in UV) is the lowest layer, interfacing directly with the data store.

Route Layer

Functionality is organized into files at this layer by the first path component. If a route's path is /cars/15, it would be defined in a file named cars.js. That file MUST export a function that takes, at a minimum, a reference to the Express application. Different projects may also take other parameters. Look at existing routes to see what is available.

module.exports = function (app) {
	// routes...

For each route, first define the path, then define the supported HTTP verbs. The verb definition will include, at least, the function in the controller layer that will handle that path/verb combination.

var carsCtrl = require(path.join(global.__ctrldir, 'cars'));

module.exports = function (app) {


In some cases, multiple Express middlewares (see that link for more information) may be composed to chain multiple layers of processing together such as in the following example where access to a route is gated through several permission-checking middlewares:

module.exports = function (app) {
			middleware.hasFeedPermission(['modify'], {
				idParam: 'fid'

HTTP Verbs

Each route MUST be defined under the appropriate HTTP verb. This table describes the meaning and use of the HTTP verbs that our REST APIs use.

Verb Operation Details
GET Get, Fetch, Search GET is used to retrieve data.
PUT Add, Insert PUT is used to create a resource.
POST Update POST is used to update a resource.
PATCH Toggle, Action PATCH is used to modify a single property of a resource or execute an action.
DELETE Remove, Delete DELETE is used to delete a resource.

API Documentation

The route layer is also the layer in which the API documentation is stored. The documentation for each path/verb combination SHOULD be placed above the verb definition. Any common/shared documentation items/constructs MAY be placed above the first call to app.route or outside of the module.exports line entirely.

/* common documentation items */

module.exports = function (app) {
		/* documentation for GET /cars/:cid */
		/* documentation for DELETE /cars/:cid */

Controller Layer

The organization of the controller layer follows that of the route layer. The cars.js, above, will have a corresponding cars.js in this layer. Each function in this layer is an Express middleware (see that link for more information) that is used to handle the request after it is routed by the route layer. The function, referenced above, might be defined like this:

var carsDal = require(path.join(global.__dalsdir, 'cars')); = function (req, res, next) {{               // call the DAL layer
		make: req.query.make,
		model: req.query.model,
		year: req.query.year
	}).then(function (results) {
		res.json(results);         // send the results as JSON
		// ...or...
		res.render('viewname', {   // render a view with the results
			cars: results
		return next();

It is this layer's responsibility to: (1) perform any implementation-specific data-type validations on incoming data from the request, and then transform values confirmed be type-compatible; (2) pass the normalized data as a tuple to the DAL layer; (3) pass the output of the DAL layer back to the client via the response in a manner appropriate to the route; (4) catch any errors raised by the DAL layer and pass them on to be handled; and, (5) complete the promise chain.

After passing data to the response, next MUST be called to ensure that the middleware chain will continue.

return next();

In the catch function, next MUST be called, passing the error as the first parameter, so that it will be properly handled by the error-handling middleware down the line. Don't wrap the next function in an anonymous function if the only statement within it would be next(err); however, if wrapping/producing a new error provides additional beneficial information, a more complex catch block may be constructed. See Constructing and Raising Errors.


Route Parameters and Query Parameters

As the direct handler for our routing system, as defined in the route layer, the controller layer is tightly coupled to how we implement client communication. In a REST service, Route parameter (/route/:param) and query parameter (/route?query=param) values will always be strings. It is the responsibility of this layer to obfuscate or shield the lower layers from this implementation detail.

At this layer, if parameters from these sources are provided, a conversion to the target type MUST be attempted. In this example, the controller's get function is handling a request for the route /cars/:cid. The full request URL was /cars/15?extended=true; it includes a car ID that is intended to be Number and an extended flag that is intended to be Boolean.

var carsDal = require(path.join(global.__dalsdir, 'cars')),
	validation = require('tl-validation');

exports.get = function (req, res, next) {
	var obj = {
		cid: req.params.cid,
		extended: req.query.extended

	validation.parameters(function () {		
		if (obj.cid) {
			obj.cid = parseInt(obj.cid, 10);
		if (obj.extended && (obj.extended === 'true' || obj.extended === 'false')) {			
			obj.extended = obj.extended === 'true';
	}).then(function () {
		return carsDal.get(obj);
	}).then(function (results) {
		return next();

It is not necessary to evaluate the value for compatibility with the target type as long as the parsing methodology produces a value in the failure case that is incompatible with the target type. For example, parseInt('hello', 10); will produce the value NaN which will fail the eventual evaluation by _.isFinite in the DAL layer. In the case of the extended flag, above, in the failure case, the string value would be passed through to the DAL layer which would fail the eventual evaluation by _.isBoolean.

DAL Layer

The organization of the Data Abstraction Layer follows that of the controller layer. The cars.js, above, will have a corresponding cars.js in this layer. Each function of this layer receives the tuple from the controller layer. The function, referenced above, might be defined like this:

var carsAdapter = require(path.join(global.__adaptersdir, 'cars')),
	util = require('util'),
	validation = require('tl-validation'); = function (obj) {
	return validation.parameters(function () {  // start the promise chain and validate
		if (util.isNullOrUndefined(obj.make) && util.isNullOrUndefined(obj.model) && util.isNullOrUndefined(obj.year)) {
			return 'One of make, model or year is required.';

		if (obj.year && !_.isNumber(obj.year)) {
			return 'Invalid year; it must be an integer.';
		// ... validate that `make` and `model` are strings ...
	}).then(function () {
		return;  // call the adapter layer and return the result

	// no error handling on this layer, unless wrapping/producing a new error provides additional beneficial information

It is this layer's responsibility to: (1) perform strict type validation the information coming in via the tuple; (2) pass the validated and type-correct data as a tuple to the adapter layer; and, (3) return the result of calling the adapter layer.

All functions exported from the DAL layer MUST return a promise of some kind. The controller layer relies on this interface contract for continuation and for error handling. = function (obj) {
	// MUST return a promise

If validation.parameters is not available, bluebird's try function can be used in its place.

return Promise.try(function () {
	// do stuff
}).then(/* whatever */);

If a single value must be returned outside of the scope of the validation, it can be returned with bluebird's resolve / reject functions to ensure that it is wrapped in a promise. While anything can be provided as a rejection reason, as in the first example, above, in most cases, the rejection value SHOULD be at least an instance of Error and, in most cases, an instance of TLError. See Starting a Promise Chain for more information.

return Promise.reject('Something bad.');
// ...or...
return Promise.reject(new TLError('Something else bad.', TLError.PaymentRequired));

In this layer, in almost all cases, validation SHOULD be type strict. By the time data is passed to a DAL function, it should already conform to the type specified by that function's data structure contract. The easiest way to perform type checks is by using the is_____(value) functions from Underscore.js. One gotcha to be aware of is that while all Arrays are Objects, not all Objects are Arrays.

There SHOULD be no error handling on this layer unless it is specifically necessary for the implementation of the route.

Adapter Layer

The organization of the adapter layer follows that of the Data Abstraction Layer. The cars.js, above, will have a corresponding cars.js in this layer. Each function of this layer receives the tuple from the DAL layer. The function, referenced above, will be implemented differently, depending on what data store is being used.

It is this layer's responsibility to: (1) perform any final checks to ensure that the incoming parameters can be passed to the data store; (2) formulate a query appropriate to the data store that will fetch the desired data; and, (3) obfuscate any data-store-specific structures from the other layers by returning only the data requested. See Constructing and Raising Errors. = function (obj) {
	// MUST return a promise

As with the DAL layer, all functions exported from the adapter layer MUST return a promise of some kind. The DAL layer relies on this interface contract for continuation and for error handling.

The adapter layer MUST NOT be concerned with the restriction of output based on business rules. Its job is to provide unopinionated access to the information of the resource being accessed. It is the job of higher layers (generally the DAL layer -- sometimes the controller layer) to perform selective omission or transformation of that data such that it fits the business requirements of the higher-level action being performed.

Data Retrieval

These are standards and practices related to data retrieval. For most of our applications, the data store is PostgreSQL.

SQL Query Formatting and Execution

Maintaining the string literals that represent SQL queries can be difficult without a standard for formatting. SQL queries SHOULD be constructed and formatted as follows:

var sql = [
	"  e.employee_id AS id,",
	"  e.position,",
	"  CASE",
	"    WHEN e.rank = 0 THEN 'Fearless Leader'",
	"    WHEN e.rank = 1 THEN 'Manager'",
	"    ELSE 'Underling'",
	"  END AS rankname,",
	"  d.department_name as department",
	"FROM employee e",
	"INNER JOIN department d",
	"  USING(department_id)"

Double quotes MUST be used for strings containing SQL queries. See Single-Quoted Strings. Structural formatting indentation within the string MUST be done using two (2) spaces per indentation level. Trailing spaces MUST NOT be present on lines.

To compile the query to be sent to the data store, it is joined using the space character. Additional arrays can be used to compartmentalize the query or to dynamically build the where clause. Our applications have lots of examples of query builds of varying complexities; look around for good examples of how best to handle different cases.

pg.singleQuery(/* connection string */, sql.join(' '), params)

Pagination and Sorting

When a large amount of data is to be returned to the client, pagination and sorting SHOULD be implemented. Four additional parameters MUST be accepted to control the pagination and sorting behavior.

Parameter Type Default Description
sortby String varies Indicates by which property the results should be sorted. A default value SHOULD be selected on a case-by-case basis.
This parameter MUST accept the same property names as are returned in the output data structures.
This parameter MUST be validated in the adapter layer to ensure only valid values are accepted. See Validating the sortby Parameter.
sortdirection String 'ASC' Indicates the direction in which to sort by the selected property.
This parameter SHOULD use the values 'ASC' and 'DESC', normalizing the input for case.
limit Number 100 The maximum number of records to retrieve.
offset Number 0 The number of records to skip.

The output of a paginated response MUST conform to the following data structure:

	total: Number,
	filteredTotal: Number,
	data: Object[]
Property Description
data The array of response data objects conforming to the constraints described by the request.
filteredTotal The total number of records matching the constraints described by the request.
total The total number of records.

This data structure can easily be created using Promise.props.

return Promise.props({
	data: Promise<Object[]>,
	filteredTotal: Promise<Number>,
	total: Promise<Number>

The resulting promise will be resolved with an object whose property values are the resolution values of the promises assigned to those properties.

Validating the sortby Parameter

The easiest way to validate the sortby parameter is to maintain a map in the adapter layer that will both validate and translate incoming values, producing their data-store-level equivalent names (which may or may not be different).

	id: 'recording_id',
	nid: 'nid',
	feedname: 'feed_name',
	starttime: 'start_time',
	endtime: 'end_time'

The incoming value can easily be validated using this map.

The sortby parameter should be validated and translated on the adapter layer as that layer is the custodian of: the data-store-specific sorting implementation; and, the mapping between the external-contract resource data structure and its back-end storage details. = function (obj) {	
	if (obj.sortby && !SEARCH_VALID_SORT[obj.sortby.toLowerCase()]) {
		// validate the sortby parameter using the map and provide an informative error message for the client
		return Promise.reject(new TLError('Invalid sortby; it must be one of: ' + _.keys(SEARCH_VALID_SORT).join(', '), TLError.InvalidArgument));
	// other code
	if (obj.sortby) {
		// map the input to the correct value for the data store
		var sort = "ORDER BY " + SEARCH_VALID_SORT[obj.sortby];
		// ...
	// other code

Empty Result vs. Not Found

In the following examples, the adapter layer will be communicating with a PostgreSQL database.

In this example, the application has received a request that is expected to return zero or more records. At the adapter layer, it is not necessary to perform any conditional logic based on the number of rows returned. The rows array will always contain zero or more records. The resulting array, empty or not, should be returned all the way up the stack.

// Controller layer = function (req, res, next) {{
		// get parameters from the request
	}).then(function (cars) {
		// return results to the client

		return next();

// DAL layer = function (obj) {
	return validation.parameters(function () {
		// validate parameters
	}).then(function () {

// Adapter layer = function (obj) {
	return pg.singleQuery(/* connection string */, /* query */).then(function (results) {
		return results.rows;

The final result of a request that may result in zero or more records MUST always be 200 OK, regardless of how many records are to be returned.

In this example, the application has received a request for a single record uniquely identified by some value. At the adapter layer, it is not necessary to perform any conditional logic based on the presence or absence of that record. The value of rows[0] will be undefined if no record matches the criteria. The empty / undefined list should be returned from the adapter layer and passed up through the DAL layer. In the controller layer, the absence of a record matching the criteria should finally be translated into a not-found error.

The controller layer is where the error MUST be generated because it is not intrinsically an error case for nothing to be found. It is a choice of the form and structure of our service stack implementation that our REST services should return an HTTP 404 when no record matches a unique identifier; the controller layer is the effective implementation of our REST services, and so that is where the error must be raised. Additionally, if we generated these errors in the DAL layer or the adapter layer, we would be forced, in internal code consuming these layers, into using try/catch constructs as control of flow which MUST NOT be done.

// Controller layer
exports.get = function (req, res, next) {
	let obj = {

	validation.parameters(function () {
		if ( && ! {
			return 'Invalid id; it must be an integer.';
		} else { = parseInt(, 10);
	}).then(function () {
		return carsDal.get(obj);	
	}).then(function (car) {
		if (!car) {
			throw new TLError('Could not find car.', TLError.NotFound);

		// return results to the client

		return next();

// DAL layer
exports.get = function (obj) {
	return validation.parameters(function () {
		if (!_.isFinite( {
			return 'Invalid id; it must be an integer.';
	}).then(function () {
		return carsAdapter.get(obj);

// Adapter layer
exports.get = function (obj) {
	return pg.singleQuery(/* connection string */, /* query */).then(function (results) {
		return results.rows[0];

The final result of a request for a single record by a unique identifier MUST be 404 Not Found when the record is not found or 200 OK when the record is found.

Transactionalized SQL

When multiple queries need to be executed in sequence and the success of the batch relies on the individual success of each query, those queries should be executed within a transaction. There is a helper function in the tl-postgres library to aid in writing transactionalized SQL code.

exports.doThings = function () {
	return pg.transaction(/* connection string */, function (client) {
		return pg.query(client, firstSql, firstParams).then(function () {
			return pg.query(client, secondSql, secondParams);		

Before calling the handler function provided to pg.transaction, a connection is established and a transaction is initiated. The handler function is then provided with a client representing the open connection. That client can then be used by calls to pg.query to execute queries on that connection within the transaction. The handler function MUST return a promise. If the promise returned from the handler function is resolved, then the transaction is committed and the outer promise chain is resolved with the inner resolution value. If the promise returned from the handler function is rejected, then the transaction is rolled back, and the outer promise chain is rejected with the error that caused the inner rejection.


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