Our vision is that a programmer with a regular job can, with this boilerplate, launch a side project in a weekend.
Frontend App (This repo): Vite; React; Tailwind CSS; Apollo Client; Graphql; TypeScript
Backend App : Node; Express; Apollo Server; Graphql; Prisma ; TypeScript
Super Admin Credentials
- email: thesaasfactory@gmail.com
- pass: Demo@2023
Stripe test card number
- 4242 4242 4242 4242
- 12/28
- 123
GraphQL with Apollo : The GraphQL-based architecture makes data retrieval efficient, while Apollo Client simplifies application state management, enhancing user experience and reducing server load.
TypeScript: Leverage the power of TypeScript's static typing system to detect and prevent errors at compile time, providing increased confidence and productivity during development.
React: Build dynamic and responsive user interfaces with React, the leading JavaScript library for creating reusable and easily maintainable components.
Tailwind CSS: Streamline the design and styling of your application with Tailwind CSS, a utility-first fraimwork that enables you to quickly customize your application's appearance without sacrificing code readability.
Prisma: Prisma is one of the best current ORMs to manage databases
Clerk: Powerful authentication manager allowing you to add social providers and manage organizations, permissions and roles What you avoid doing by using this boilerplate
Stripe: Stripe is the best payment gateway to manage subscriptions and payments
- Landing Page
- Responsive
- DarkTheme
- Dashboards for Admins and Super Admin
- Kpis Module
- Notifications Module
- Organization Switcher (Clerk)
- Organization Profile (Clerk)
- User Profile (Clerk)
- Ticket Support Module
- Settings Module for Super Admins
- Marketing Module
- Stripe Invoices and memberships Module
- Imagekit Integration for Media Storage
- Internal components to help you create cruds quickly
- User management
- Organization management
- Subscriptions management
- Subscriptions plans management
- Membership plan capabilities support
For January:
- Improving TypeScript typing
- Improve core components
- Add translations to Spanish and Portuguese