Dynamic quote generator for your GitHub readmes
Use User Interface, to view designed quotes and copy link and paste it directly
Sl No | Feature Name | Description |
1 | Dynamic Quotes | Different quotes every time its rendered for GitHub Profile Readme |
2 | Colorful Themes | Various colorful themes available for cards |
3 | Design Layouts | Different Layout design cards are available |
4 | Animation | Animations available for quote cards |
5 | Custom Quotes from GitHub Gists | You can add custom quotes of your own or own choice from GitHub Gists json files |
6 | Quotes based on Category | Different category based quotes are available |
Note: To read an article on this project, please refer: GitHub Profile README : Animated Dynamic Quote Generator
Copy and paste the following markdown content to display the quote.

You can display your quote in different themes without any manual customization.
Use ?theme=THEME_NAME
parameter as shown below.

dark, radical, merko, gruvbox, tokyonight, onedark, cobalt, synthwave, highcontrast, dracula
Light Theme
You can explore different themes here.
Feel free to contribute different themes.
You can also change the layout of your templates.
Use ?layout=LAYOUT
parameter as shown below

You can explore different layouts here.
Feel free to contribute different layouts.
You can also add fonts to your templates.
Use ?font=FONT_NAME
parameter as shown below

You can explore different fonts here.
Feel free to contribute different fonts.
You can also add animations to your templates.
Use ?animation=ANIMATION
paramater as shown below

You can explore different animations here.
You can also provide a file with the list of quotes and a random quote will be generated for you.
- Use the template provided at here and write your own file with multiple quotes.
- Save the file in the repository in any (public) directory or anywhere in the internet.
- Get the link of the file.
- Use
as shown below
You can also provide a category to fetch the list of quotes based on certain category and a random quote will be generated for you based on category you specify.
- Use
as shown below

- Use
Feel free to contribute different quotes to different categories.
- Add the quote you want in this file based on the category it falls into.
- If the category you want doesn't exist, feel free to add the category in this file and add the quotes.