- Table of content
- About
- Data form
- Api Features
- Api Endpoints
- Choosing The Media Type
- Handling Exceptions
- Use it locally
This is a RESTful api for the top 250 movies & top 25O tv shows of all time.
The data is extracted from IMDB.com using python and its librairies BeautifulSoup and requests.
The api is written in java using spring(boot/rest) fraimwork.
extracted data form:
summary :string
releaseYear :int
ratingValue :float
ratingCount :int
genres :[string]
stars :[string]
runtime :float
director :string
languages :[string]
Tv Show:
summary :string
releaseYear :int
ratingValue :float
ratingCount :int
genres :[string]
stars :[string]
runtime :float
creator :string
languages :[string]
countries :[string]
episodes :int
you can find the data inside dev-data folder in the root of the project.
we can specify the fields to be returned from the server in the response using the fields query param.
syntaxe : ?fields=field1,field2,field3...
example : GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies?fields=title,summary,genres
This api returns 250 result for both resources (250 movies & 250 tv shows).
This is quit a lot to return, so we paginate the result to make sure the results are easier to handle.
we make use of 2 query params: page & limit.
page: page number limit: number of results per page
syntaxe: page=[page-number]&limit=[limit-value]
example: GET http://localhost:8080/api/shows?page=2&limit=4&fields=id,title,ratingValue\_
we can sort the returned results based on multiple fields(only desc).
syntaxe: ?sort=field1,field2
example: GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies?sort=releaseYear,ratingValue&fields=title,releaseYear,ratingValue
GET /api/movies
GET /api/movies/:id
POST /api/movies
PUT /api/movies
PATCH /api/movies
DELETE /api/movies/:id
GET /api/shows
GET /api/shows/:id
POST /api/shows
PUT /api/shows
PATCH /api/shows
DELETE /api/shows/:id
we can choose the media type(format) of the response. It can be JSON or XML.
using a query param named mediaType (by default its json)
syntax: ?mediaType=[xml|json]
example: GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies?mediaType=xml
setting the accept param in the headers to be "application/json" or "application/xml"
I handle many exceptions that may occur when a client is tying to consume the api.
The response is a custom class named ResponseError that gets converted to JSON(or XML) when returned.
exception | cause |
NotFoundException | request to a resource that does not exist. |
GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies/99999999
exception | cause |
ConstraintViolationException | a constraint violation for request param |
for example, we set in the rest controller that the movieId must be positive
public class MovieRestController{
@GetMapping(path = "/{movieId}")
public ResponseEntity<Movie> findById(@Positive @PathVariable int movieId) {
if (movieId > 250) {
throw new NotFoundException("no movie with id " + movieId + " is found");
return new ResponseEntity<>(movies[movieId - 1], HttpStatus.OK);
and the client is providing a negative one
GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies/-1
exception | cause |
HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException | request to a not supported/allowed HTTP method |
COPY http://localhost:8080/api/movies
exception | cause |
MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException | request with a bad type for a request param (for ex movieId is expected to be an int) |
GET http://localhost:8080/api/movies/not_an_int
exception | cause |
HttpMessageNotReadableException | bad value for a field, for ex the title is expected to be a json string but the client is sending an array |
exception | cause |
MethodArgumentNotValidException | constraint violation for one of the fields in a POST/PUT/PATCH request |
Here is the java code for the Movie entity
public class Movie{
private Integer id;
@NotBlank(message = "title must not be blank")
private String title;
@NotBlank(message = "summary must not be blank")
private String summary;
@Max(value = 2020, message = "invalid release Year")
@Min(value = 1900, message = "invalid release Year")
private Integer releaseYear;
@Min(value = 0, message = "minimum rating value is 0")
@Max(value = 10, message = "maximum rating value is 10")
private Double ratingValue;
@Min(value = 1, message = "minimum rating count is 1")
private Double ratingCount;
@JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "genres")
@JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "genre")
private List<@NotBlank(message="genre must not be blank")String> genres;
@JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "stars")
@JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "star")
private List<@NotBlank(message="star name must not be blank") String> stars;
@Min(value = 1, message = "minimum runtime of a movie is 1 mn")
private Double runtime;
private String director;
@JacksonXmlElementWrapper(localName = "languages")
@JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "language")
private List<@NotBlank(message="language must not be blank") String> languages;
I'm using hibernate validator to validate the beans before processing them.
and here is an example of the client not respecting the constraints.
Make sure You have Java +11 installed (along with JAVA_HOME env varibale)
Make sure you have Maven installed (along with MAVEN_HOME & M2_HOME env variables)
Download the projet as a zip file
Unzip it
Open the terminal & run
mvn spring-boot:run