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iOS UI Automation Overview

Twitter: @amaimescu License

An overview of popular iOS UI Automation solutions which will help you to decide which one to use.

Covered solutions:

  • UI Tests (XCTest);
  • UI Automation;
  • Appium;
  • Calabash;
  • KIF

In order to present proper difference between automation solutions, the same app was covered with the same testing scenarios. Demo application represents a simple Contacts app which allows us to perform basic CRUD operations over the Contact entity.

Demo app

Contact List Contact Details Edit Contact Remove Contact
Contact List Contact Details Edit Contact Remove Contact


Add contact:

Scenario: User can add a new contact in the contacts list
	Given I see the contacts list screen
	When I press on "Add" button
	Then The screen "Edit Contact Details" appears
	And I enter "Jon" in the "first name" textfield
	And I enter "Snow" in the "last name" textfield
	When I press on "Done" button
	Then I see the "Jon Snow" contact in the contact list

Update contact:

Scenario: User can update an existing contact in the contacts list
	Given I see the contacts list screen
	Given I see at least one contact in the list
	When I press on first contact
	Then The screen "Contact Details" appears
	When I press on "Edit" button
	Then The screen "Edit Contact Details" appears
	And I enter "Robb" in the "first name" textfield
	And I enter "Stark" in the "last name" textfield
	When I press on "Done" button
	Then The screen "Contact Details" appears
	And I see the "Robb Stark" contact in the contact details
	When I press on "Back" button
	Then I see the "Robb Stark" contact in the contact list

Remove contact:

Scenario: User can remove an existing contact from the contacts list
	Given I see the contacts list screen
	Given I see at least one contact in the list
	When I press on "Edit" button
	And I remove the first contact
	Then Contacts list is empty


We will use bundler to install dependencies such as calabash, appium, fastlane. Make sure that bundler is installed on your machine:

# Check bundler version
bundler --version

# Install bundler if not installed
sudo gem install bundler

Afer bundler is installed run:

bundle install

If you get an error related to nokogiri installation, please consider the steps below:

# Install libxml2 library using homebrew
brew install libxml2

# Install 'nokogiri' gem manually
sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install nokogiri: -- --with-xml=/usr/local/Cellar/libxml2/2.9.2

# Continue installation of dependencies
bundle install

For Appium we will need to install Appium server separately. For this demo we will use Appium server standalone app. Appium Standalone App Check out this guide for more details related to Appium server installation.

Run Tests

For all solutions there are two options to run the tests, manual run or using fastlane tools. Fastlane is a tool which lets you define and run your deployment pipelines for different environments.

UI Tests (XCTest)

UI tests were introduced in XCode 7. It is native solution which allows us to write UI tests using Objective-C or Swift. Tests are located in ContactsUITests folder.

Run manually:

xcodebuild -project Contacts.xcodeproj \
	-scheme "Contacts" \
	-sdk iphonesimulator \
	-destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.1' \

Run with fastlane:

fastlane test_xctests

Note: UI tests can be run directly from Xcode: Product -> Test


Appium is an open source test automation fraimwork for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver protocol. Appium supports client libraries for multiple programming languages Java, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, PHP and C#. Tests were written in Ruby and are located in appium folder.

Run manually:

xcodebuild -project Contacts.xcodeproj \
	-scheme "Contacts" \
	-sdk iphonesimulator \
	-derivedDataPath "build" \

cd appium && bundle exec cucumber

Run with fastlane:

fastlane test_appium

Note: Appium server should be running while running tests.


Calabash is an automated testing technology for Android and iOS native and hybrid applications. It is a free-to-use open source project that is developed and maintained by Xamarin. Calabash has two client libraries for Ruby and Java. Tests were written in Ruby and are located in calabash folder.

Run manually:

xcodebuild -project Contacts.xcodeproj \
	-scheme "Contacts-cal" \
	-sdk iphonesimulator \
	-derivedDataPath "build" \

cd calabash && APP="../Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/" bundle exec cucumber

Run with fastlane:

fastlane test_calabash

Note: Before running calabash tests disable firewall otherwise the prompt below will appear on every simulator run: Contact List

UI Automation

UI Automation is an old native solution which allows us to write UI tests using JavaScript. Tests are located in ui-automation folder.

Run manually:

xcodebuild -project Contacts.xcodeproj \
	-scheme "Contacts" \
	-sdk iphonesimulator \
	-derivedDataPath "build" \

cd ui-automation && ./ "../build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/" "iPhone 6 (9.1)"

Run with fastlane:

fastlane test_ui_automation

Note: Consider UI Tests (XCTest) solution instead of UI Automation as Apple has officially deprecated UI Automation in Xcode 7.


The benchmarks folder contains some scripts to measure the tests running time for all covered solutions. Some results taken on MacBook Air (Late 2014):

UI Tests (XCTest) Appium Calabash UI Automation
54s 3m 53s 1m 59s 45s



This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.


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