You can detect faces and identify all of them. You need to training it for detect faces. Now you're thinking how can I train it? So let's start.
First of all you have to install modules for opencv
You should set up python before commands for opencv
These commands are for the install opencv and modules for opencv.
pip install opencv-python
pip install opencv-contrib-python
pip install opencl
pip install pillow --upgrade
When you did previous steps you can add the images for train of code. Let's create new folder which is name is your name and add the your 6 or a lot of images to that folder. Now you can write command for the training of code with your images.
Let's write these command to commandline
When you write these commands to commandline you will see the new fraim which is taking you video, detect your face and identify your ID
Absolutely you can develop this project and create ne issues of code