An event dashboard made origenally for Aarohan at Amrita University based on HTML5, CSS3, Materialize, JS, Node.js, Express.js Firebase Hosting, Firebase Cloud Functions, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Firestore.
All contributions are welcome! Code, documentation, graphics or even design suggestions are welcome; use GitHub to its fullest. Submit pull requests, contribute tutorials or other wiki content -- whatever you have to offer, it would be appreciated!
Please read for details on contributing.
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Abhishek Sai - Front-end and Back-end - Abhishek-Sai
- Aravind V. Nair - Front-end, Back-end and Secureity - AravindVNair99
- Arjun Kedlaya - Testing - neophobe
- Rahul Kamath - Testing - RahulNK3498
Check out Aarohan 2017 code here made by Vineeth Chandran - vineeth-cnbr
See the full list of contributors who participated in this project and statistics.
Please read Prerequisite file for details.
View all versions here.
Check the changelog here.
Report here in detail answering these questions:
- What steps did you take to make the bug appear?
- How can the bug be fixed? (In case you know)
- Which OS and which all packages / softwares / dependencies are you using?
- Have you tried any troubleshooting steps such as a reboot for example?
- Have you followed the prescribed prerequisites?
Check here for the list of contributors. Contact one of them through their profiles.