npm install badge-maker
npm install -g badge-maker
badge build passed :brightgreen > mybadge.svg
With CommonJS in JavaScript,
const { makeBadge, ValidationError } = require('badge-maker')
With ESM or TypeScript,
import { makeBadge, ValidationError } from 'badge-maker'
const format = {
label: 'build',
message: 'passed',
color: 'brightgreen',
const svg = makeBadge(format)
console.log(svg) // <svg...
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log(e) // ValidationError: Field `message` is required
The latest version of badge-maker supports all currently maintained Node versions. See the Node Release Schedule.
The format is the following:
label: 'build', // (Optional) Badge label
message: 'passed', // (Required) Badge message
labelColor: '#555', // (Optional) Label color
color: '#4c1', // (Optional) Message color
logoBase64: '', // (Optional) Any custom logo can be passed in a URL parameter by base64 encoding
links: ['', ''], // (Optional) Links array of maximum two links
// (Optional) One of: 'plastic', 'flat', 'flat-square', 'for-the-badge' or 'social'
// Each offers a different visual design.
style: 'flat',
// (Optional) A string with only letters, numbers, -, and _. This can be used
// to ensure every element id within the SVG is unique and prevent CSS
// cross-contamination when the SVG badge is rendered inline in HTML pages.
idSuffix: 'dd'
There are three ways to specify color
and labelColor
- One of the Shields named colors:
- A three- or six-character hex color, optionally prefixed with
- Any valid CSS color, e.g.
Conversion to raster formats is no longer directly supported. In javascript
code, SVG badges can be converted to raster formats using a library like
gm. On the console, the output of badge
can be piped to a utility like
e.g: badge build passed :green | magick svg:- gif:-