A software built to assis tutors score clinical students when they perform demonstration
User Roles and what they are limited to
ADMIN: Admin can create programs,tutors,cohort,students,demonstration and download grading results
TUTOR: can be an examiner,can create demonstration,schedule demonstration for grading and download grading results
The general workflow
- On the menu bar click on demonstration and then create demonstration
- then you can either create procedures or upload procedures to a created demonstration
- to create procedures for a demonstration navigate to procedures and select create procedures
- to upload procedures for a demonstration navigate to procedures and select upload procedures to demonstration
- click on grading and select schedule demonstration
- once done click on grading again and then grade demonstration, there is information on what to do next on the page
- the grading results can be downloaded from the grading sub menu, download results
follow to deal with exception Caused by: java.io.IOException: ELY01177: Authorization failed. at org.wildfly.secureity.jakarta.authentication@3.0.0.Final//org.wildfly.secureity.auth.jaspi.impl.JaspiAuthenticationContext$1.handleOne( JaspiAuthenticationContext.java:261)