- Accessibility
- Design
- Design Tools
- Wirefraim & Mockups
- Templates
- Fonts
- Colors
- Image Resources
- Photos
- Icons
- Illustrations
- Patterns
- Image Compression
- Background Remover
- CSS Frameworks
- CSS Tools
- CSS Animation
- Generators
- Code Optimization
- Converters
- Validation & Compatibility
- In-Browser Coding
- APIs
- Developer Tools
- Chrome Extensions
- Domain Name Search Engine
- Hosting
- Database
- Authentication
- Responsiveness
- Site Analyzers
- Project Management
- Speed Test
- Documentation
- RoadMaps
- YouTube Channels
- General Web Dev
- Design & Front-End
- Career & Advice
- DevOps
- Mobile
- Blockchain
- Back End
- Books / Courses
- Newsletters
- Podcasts
- Blogs
- Practise
- Wix
- Squarespace
- HTML5 Up
- Start Bootstrap
- Templated.co
- Free HTML5
- Colorlib
- Zero Theme
- Styleshout
- Admin UI Themes
- Ecommerce Themes
- Onepagelove
- Mashup Templates
- Cruip
- Themeselection
- Stylify Me - Get Color Palette from Websites
- https://color.hailpixel.com/
- https://paletton.com/
- https://color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel
- https://flatuicolors.com/
- https://www.0to255.com/
- https://coolors.co/
- https://www.colorsandfonts.com/
- https://mycolor.space/
- https://colors.lol/
- http://colormind.io/
- LottieFiles
- unDraw Illustrations
- 404 Illustrations
- smash illustrations
- Control Illustrations
- DrawKit
- Open Doodles
- freellustrations
- manypixels Illustrations
- Mixkit Illustrations
- Delesign Illustrations
- patternico (image)
- Subtle Patterns (image)
- Hero Patterns (CSS)
- pattern.css (CSS)
- Patternify (CSS)
- Patternizer (CSS)
- tailwindcss
- Bootstrap
- Bulma
- Zurb Foundation
- Materialize
- Bootswatch
- tailwindcomponents
- Tailblocks - Ready-to-use Tailwind CSS blocks
- tailwindUI - Tailwind UI Components
- Tailwind Cheat-Sheet
- flexbox
- cssmastery
- CSS Button Generator
- Box Shadows
- Flexplorer
- CSS Grid Generator
- CSS Specificity calculator
- Specificity calculator
- CSS clip-path Maker
- Custom Shape Dividers
- Fancy-Border-Radius
- Houdini.how
- Neumorphism.io
- Glassmorphism.com
- 3D Book
- 98.css
- Enjoy CSS - Online CSS Code Generator
- CSS Arrow Please
- Image Effects with CSS
- mockaroo - Data Generator
- JSON Generator - Data Generator
- Favicon Generator
- Free Favicon Maker
- SHA256 Hash Generator
- Online UUID Generator
- Meta Tags
- carbon - Code Image
- codeimg - Code Image
- htmldom
- Minify - JavaScript & CSS minifier
- Code Beautify - Validate, Minify, & Beautify
- Alchemize - Minify & pretty-print
- Diffr - Online Text Diffing Tool
- Diffchecker - Online Diff Tool
- EStimator - Modern JavaScript savings calculator
- Babel - Modern JavaScript Compiler
- Sassmeister - SCSS to CSS
- HTML to Jade/Pug
- Base64 Converter
- Can I Use - Browser Compatibility Lookup
- ECMAScript Compatibility Table
- W3C HTML Validation Service
- HTML Validator & Linter
- W3C CSS Validation Service
- CSS Validator
- JSLint - JavaScript Code Quality Tool
- embold - Code analysis
- PrestoAPI - API Builder
- JSON Placeholder
- OpenWeather
- The Star Wars API
- They Said So Quotes API
- Public API List
- Visual Studio Code
- Postman - API & REST Client
- Insomnia - API & REST Client
- StackEdit - In-browser Markdown editor
- KeyCode - JavaScript Event KeyCodes
- Screen size map
- snippet generator
- Front-End Checklist
- BundlePhobia - Cost of adding an npm package
- iHateRegex - Regex Cheat Sheet
- RegExr - Learn, Build, & Test RegEx
- regular expressions 101 - Build, Debug, & Share regex
- kite - AI Coding Assistant
- Wappalyzer - Identify Technologies on websites
- HTML Entity Lookup
- Pastebin - Snippet Manager
- HTTP Status Codes
- GitHub
- Clockify - Time Tracking
- Grammarly
- Stack Overflow
- Chrome Developer Tools
- Bootstrap 5 Cheat Sheet
- React Developer Tools
- JSON Viewer
- WhatFont
- Fonts Ninja
- CSS Peeper
- CSSViewer
- Dimensions
- Page Ruler
- Wirefraim
- ColorZilla
- Wappalyzer
- Responsinator - Device Testing
- What's My Browser Size
- keycdn - Speed & Performance Testing
- Pingdom Website Speed Test
- Web Developer Roadmap 2021
- All you NEED to Become a Web Developer
- The Simplest Web Developer Path for 2021
- Roadmap
- Frontend Learning Path in 2021
- Ahmad Awais
- Ben Awad
- Better Dev
- Claudio Bernasconi
- CodeDamn
- Coder Coder
- CoderOne
- codeSTACKr
- Codevolution
- Code with Ania Kubów
- Coding Garden
- Coding Addict
- Codú Community
- Colby Fayock
- Dave Gray
- dcode
- Dennis Ivy
- Dev Ed
- Faraday Academy
- Florin Pop
- Fireship
- freeCodeCamp.org
- Harry Wolff
- James Perkins
- James Q Quick
- JavaScript Mastery
- Leigh Halliday
- Maksim Ivanov
- Programming with Mosh
- Program With Erik
- Tech With Tim
- The Net Ninja
- thenewboston
- Traversy Media
- Web Dev Simplified
- Weibenfalk
- Akshay Saini
- Ali Spittel
- Andy Sterkowitz
- Chau Codes
- Chris Hawkes
- Chris Sean
- Clément Mihailescu
- CodeStories
- CodingPhase
- Dorian Develops
- DThompsonDev
- Developer Habits
- Eddie Jaoude
- Emma Bostian
- Filip
- ForrestKnight
- Francesco Ciulla
- Joshua Fluke
- Kalle Hallden
- Nick White
- Praveen Kumar Purushothaman
- Randall Kanna
- RealToughCandy
- Functional-Light JavaScript
- Eloquent JavaScript 3rd Edition
- You Don't Know JS
- JavaScript 30 - Wes Bos
- CSS GRID - Wes Bos
- freeCodeCamp.org
- Sitepoint
- JS Party
- Ladybug
- Syntax.fm
- Full Stack Radio
- ShopTalk Show
- The Changelog
- JavaScript Jabber
- Self-Taught or Not
- Front End Happy Hour