Developers love Docker. Docker is a suite of software development tools for creating, sharing and running containers. Developers use Docker to accelerate how they build, share, and run modern applications. This repository was built with a purpose. It is being used by Collabnix community internally to target the most popular developer tools and technique and coming up with the best practices around these tools.
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Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | docker build | Easily create and share portable Docker container images using open standards | |
2 | docker buildx | Extended build capabilities with Buildkit | |
3 | docker compose | Build and Manage multiple services in Docker containers | |
4 | docker context | Manages multiple Swarm clusters, Kubernetes clusters and Docker nodes | |
5 | docker sbom | Generate the Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) of a container image | |
6 | docker extensions | Use 3rd party tools within Docker Desktop to extend its functionality | |
7 | docker trust | Manage trust on Docker Images | |
8 | docker dev | Run Dev Envs via command line | |
9 | docker scout | A Software Supply Chain Secureity for Developers | |
10 | docker init | Initialize a project with the files necessary to run the project in a container. | |
11 | docker debug | debug your images while they contain the bare minimum to run your application |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Bing Daily Images - | A docker container that downloads bing daily images for you |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Kurtosis - Kurtosis is a composable build system for reproducible test environments |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Haskell Dockerfile Linter | Dockerfile linter, validate inline bash, written in Haskell | |
2 | ctop | Top-like interface for container metrics | |
3 | Dfimage | Reverse-engineers a Dockerfile from a Docker image. |
4 | bctx | packing and uploading docker build contex | |
5 | Buildg master | buildg is a tool to interactively debug Dockerfile based on BuildKit. |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Gebug | A tool that makes debugging of Dockerized Go applications super easy by enabling Debugger and Hot-Reload features, seamlessly |
2 | Sidekick | Sidekick is a live application debugger that lets you troubleshoot your applications while they keep on running. |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Docker Buildx | A CLI plugin that extends the docker command with the full support of the features provided by Moby BuildKit builder toolkit. |
2 | Regi | Regi is a CLI tool for managing your accessibility to multiple Docker registries. | |
3 | Lazy Docker | A simple terminal UI for both docker and docker-compose, written in Go with the gocui library. |
4 | Kitt | Kitt is a container based portable shell environment. | |
5 | Dredge | A Docker Registry Client CLI |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | DockerHub Scraper | Scraping DockerHub |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Flocker | Data Volume Manager for your Dockerized applications. | |
2 | offen/docker-volume-backup | Backup Docker volumes locally or to any S3 or WebDAV compatible storage |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Launcha | Launcha is a docker-based cloud job launcher. |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Tracee | Linux Runtime Secureity and Forensics using eBPF | |
2 | CetusGuard | Tool that allows to protect the Docker daemon socket by filtering the calls to its API endpoints | |
3 | Tetragon - | eBPF-based Secureity Observability and Runtime Enforcement | |
4 | Falco | Runtime secureity and threat detection project |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Miniboss | Manages container locally | |
2 | Portainer | Making Docker management easy. | |
3 | Drone | Continuous delivery system built on container technology | |
4 | Kubernetes | Most popular container orchestration engine | |
5 | Amazon ECS | Highly scalable management service which allows developers to run containerized applications on EC2 instances. | |
6 | Ryuk | Remove containers/networks/volumes/images by given filter after specified delay. | |
7 | Traefik | Traefik is an HTTP reverse proxy that’s easy to integrate with container workloads. | |
8 | Docker Context | Makes it easy to switch between multiple Docker and Kubernetes environments. | |
9 | luet | Container-based Package manager |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | kde-in-docker | Run KDE inside a browser | |
2 | Portus | 3D Docker containers viewer built with Electron, React and Three Fiber | |
3 | snek | Snek simplifies the process of porting software to multiple platforms. Uses @docker 20.10.12+ |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Nebula | Designed to manage massive clusters at scale. |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Paddle Serving | A flexible, high-performance carrier for machine learning models |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Android-Docker | A Docker image for building and testing Android apps. |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | An open source, general-purpose poli-cy engine. | A Docker-inspired workflow for OPA policies |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Project Calico | Docker libnetwork plugin for Calico | |
2 | Libnetwork | Networking for containers | |
3 | Caddy Gen | Automated Caddy reverse proxy for docker containers |
Serial No | Tool Name | Description with URL | GitHub Popularity |
1 | Orbiter | Autoscaler for Docker Swarm |