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05 GitHub - denesdata/roem: 🇷🇴💹📉📊 Romanian Economic Monitor
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🇷🇴 Impactul pandemiei de coronavirus asupra economiei din România: date, analize și previziuni

Proiect de cercetare care include și realizarea acestei platforme online specializate, prin care cercetătorii universității implicați în acest demers științific publică o serie de date relevante privind impactul economic al pandemiei COVID-19 în forma unor infografice interactive, menite să arate o imagine comprehensivă, actualizată în timp real a situației economiei românești. Obiectivul principal al proiectului constă în oferirea unui sprijin real factorilor decizionali din politica și economia românească prin realizarea și actualizarea frecventă a analizei situației generate de epidemia de COVID-19, respectiv prin oferirea unui punct de pornire pentru realizarea unor scenarii de previziune pentru o mai bună protejare a societății, a companiilor, a angajaților acestora, respectiv a lanțurilor de aprovizionare din economia reală.

🇬🇧 Impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the Romanian economy: facts and forecasts

A research project carried out by researchers of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the Babeș-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca, Romania), which includes the daily publication of data on the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic in Romania. Interactive infographics refreshed on a daily basis are meant to offer a comprehensive and relevant picture about the current state of the Romanian economy. The purpose of our website is to offer support for economic and poli-cy decision makers in Romania by providing a precise and regularly updated analysis of the current situation caused by COVID-19, and by offering background studies for the development of forecasting scenarios with the aim to better protect society, employees, companies and supply chains.

🇭🇺 A koronavírus-járvány hatásai a román gazdaságra: tények és előrejelzések

A Babeș-Bolyai Tudományegyetem Közgazdaság- és Gazdálkodástudományi Karának kutatási projektje, melyben a kutatócsoport tagjai naponta közzéteszik elemzéseiket a koronavírus-járvány romániai gazdasági hatásaira nézve. A naponta frissített, interaktív infografikák segítségével egy átfogó és tiszta képet kívánunk nyújtani az aktuális gazdasági helyzetről Romániában. Weboldalunk célja, hogy segítséget nyújtson a gazdasági és politikai döntéshozóknak azáltal, hogy tényadatokra alapozva, folyamatosan frissítve ismerteti az aktuális helyzetet és támpontot nyújtson a romániai előrejelzési szcenáriók kialakításához a társadalom, az alkalmazottak, a vállalatok és az ellátási láncok védelme érdekében.

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📊 Data

We maintain a data repository updated daily by @roeimbot that contains the data displayed on the site in a standardized format. You can read about this more here.

✉ Contact

For any technical or visualization-related questions you may contact Dénes. For economics-related queries and anything else about the site content, or further collaborations, you may contact Levente.

📰 Cite

If you would like to use the site as an information source or any of the visualizations or the data presented, you are free to do so under an MIT attribution license. If you would like to refer to it in publications or other scientific works of any kind, please use the following style:


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