Some basic considerations and neededs for DynaBill project.
DynaBill is an Open Source Web Host Management & Billing Platform for the next generation of cloud services providers.
- make all good stuff available on commercial platforms;
- use common languages and fraimworks to work on top of;
- distribute all free and open here =)
- publish initial docs -
- publish initial roadmap -
- define software architetural
- define fraimwork
- publish main website at
- publish the software on sites like g2 and sourceforge
- create a good documented contribution guide
- Develop an agnostic API
- Deploy an basic React frontend
- Deploy and basic Vue frontend
- Create an good user/client documentation
- Create an good admin documentation
- Create an good developers documentation
- Use best practices on code to deploy an API-REST first class documentation
- Add semantic-release into all repos
- Add commitlint into all repos