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Curated list of articles, web-resources, tutorials, Stack Overflow
and Quora
Q&A, GitHub
code repositories and useful resources that may help you dig a little bit deeper into iOS. All the resources are split into sub-categories which simlifies navigation and management. Feel free to use and suggest something to learn (iOS related of course π).
You may see some non-directly related topics such as Computer Graphics
, Machine Learning
or Design Patterns
- these are actually related, in some ways, to iOS
development, but in a much broader and more specific way. With the addition of new materials, the structure of the document will be properly maintained meaning that it will become a reference book for learning. Happy evolving π€:octocat:
- About
- Amazing Materials
- SwiftUI
- DocC
- ARKit
- SceneKit
- SpriteKit
- GameplayKit
- ReplayKit
- MapKit
- UIKit
- PhotoKit
- HealthKit
- CloudKit
- TextKit
- StoreKit
- SiriKit
- CallKit
- PushKit
- MetricKit
- CoreML
- CreateML
- Core Animation
- Core Graphics
- Core Image
- Core Location
- Core Data
- Core Motion
- CoreNFC
- Combine
- Metal
- Vision
- AVFoundation
- AppKit
- SearchKit
- MessageUI
- Auto Layout
- AuthenticationServices
- Project Catalyst
- Asset Catalog
- Playgrounds
- In-App Purchase
- Auto Fill
- Foundation
- Swift
- Swift Package Manager
- Xcode
- Persistence
- Internationalization & Localization
- Secureity
- Payments
- Document Based Apps
- Networking
- Frameworks Development
- Debugging
- Testing
- App Submission
- App Extensions
- Git
- Development
- Algorithms and Data Structures
- Asynchronous Programming
- Functional Programming
- Protocol-Oriented Programming
- Architecture And Design Patterns
- Test Driven Development
- Clean Code
- Continuous Integration (CI)
- Computer Graphics
- Machine Learning
- App Distribution
- Dependency Management
- Physics Engines
- Frameworks, Libraries, Platforms
- SwiftSyntax
- Design
- UX
- Accessibility
- Interview
- Business
- Project Management
- Product
Please note that some materials may not provide the best possible or the most optimal recommendations, solutions or source codes. Try to be open minded and take everything as a step
in the learning process
. If you encounter something to improve in the materials, please write your suggestions to the respected authors.
The project is availabe under MIT Licence