Open-source python package for actigraphy and light exposure data visualization and analysis.
This package is meant to provide a comprehensive set of tools to:
- read native actigraphy data files with various formats:
- Actigraph: wGT3X-BT
- CamNtech: Actiwatch 4, 7, L(-Plus) and MotionWatch 8
- Condor Instrument: ActTrust 2
- Daqtix: Daqtometer
- Respironics: Actiwatch 2 and Actiwatch Spectrum (plus)
- Tempatilumi (CE Brasil)
- NEW read actigraphy data format from the MESA dataset, hosted by the National Sleep Research Resource.
- NEW read actigraphy data files produced by the accelerometer package that can be used to calibrate and convert raw accelerometer data recorded with:
- Axivity: AX3, device used by UK Biobank,
- Activinsights: GENEActiv, used by the Whitehall II study.
- NEW read light exposure data recorded by the aforementioned devices (when available)
- clean the raw data and mask spurious periods of inactivity
- produce activity profile plots
- visualize sleep agendas and compute summary statistics
- calculate typical wake/sleep cycle-related variables:
- Non-parametric rest-activity variables: IS(m), IV(m), RA
- Activity or Rest fragmentation: kRA, kAR
- Sleep regularity index (SRI)
- NEW compute light exposure metrics (TAT, MLit^{500}, summary statistics, ...)
- automatically detect rest periods using various algorithms (Cole-Kripke, Sadeh, ..., Crespo, Roenneberg)
- perform complex analyses:
- Cosinor analysis
- Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA)
- Functional Linear Modelling (FLM)
- Locomotor Inactivity During Sleep (LIDS)
- Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA)
- and much more...
We are very pleased to announce that the v1.0 version of the pyActigraphy package has been published. So, if you find this package useful in your research, please consider citing:
Hammad G, Reyt M, Beliy N, Baillet M, Deantoni M, Lesoinne A, et al. (2021) pyActigraphy: Open-source python package for actigraphy data visualization and analysis. PLoS Comput Biol 17(10): e1009514.
In the context of the Daylight Academy Project, The role of daylight for humans and thanks to the support of its members, Dr. Mirjam Münch and Prof. Manuel Spitschan, a pyActigraphy module for analysing light exposure data has been developed, pyLight. This module is part of the Human Light Exposure Database and is included in pyActigraphy version v1.1 and higher.
When using this module, please consider citing:
Hammad, G., Wulff, K., Skene, D. J., Münch, M., & Spitschan, M. (2024). Open-Source Python Module for the Analysis of Personalized Light Exposure Data from Wearable Light Loggers and Dosimeters. LEUKOS, 20(4), 380–389.
The pyActigraphy package is open-source and its source code is accessible online.
An online documentation of the package is also available here. It contains notebooks illustrating various functionalities of the package. Specific tutorials for the processing and the analysis of light exposure data with pyLight are also available.
For the time being, pyActigraphy
has been tested for python>=3.7 & python<=3.9
. Dependencies will be installed automatically.
Before installing python packages, it is often advised to create a virtual environment:
- Via venv (Linux/Mac OS)
- Via miniconda <>_ (Linux/Mac OS/Windows)
Within a virtual env, in a Terminal (Linux/Mac OS) or in an Anaconda Prompt (if you installed miniconda/anaconda), simply type:
- For users:
python -m pip install numba==0.57.1
python -m pip install pyActigraphy
To update the package:
python -m pip install -U pyActigraphy
- For developers:
python -m pip install numba==0.57.1
git clone
cd pyActigraphy/
git checkout develop
python -m pip install -e .
The pyActigraphy package provides a series of tutorial notebooks. These Jupyter notebooks (file extension: .ipynb) are part of the package but can also be downloaded from the Github repository. In order to interactively run these tutorials, one needs to install the Jupyter Notebook application.
While users are encouraged to install and tailor these tools to their needs, a simpler one-stop-shop solution consists in using Anaconda.
Download and install Anaconda Distribution
Via the Anaconda Prompt (Windows) or a Terminal (Mac OS, Linux):
Create a virtual environment:
conda create -n pyActi39 python=3.9
Activate the newly created environment:
conda activate pyActi39
Install the Numba package which is a dependency of
:pip install numba==0.57.1
:pip install pyActigraphy
Launch the Jupyter Notebook via the Anaconda Navigator:
Via the application menu (On Windows)
Via a Terminal (On Mac OS/Linux only):
Once the navigator is running, before launching the Jupyter Notebook app, select the pyActi39 environment (instead of
base (root)
)Download the tutorial notebooks:
Via the Jupyter interface, navigate to the tutorial notebooks you previously downloaded and simply launch them.
Voilà. Good luck.
The following example illustrates how to calculate the interdaily stability with the pyActigraphy package:
>>> import pyActigraphy
>>> rawAWD ='/path/to/your/favourite/file.AWD')
>>> rawAWD.IS()
>>> rawAWD.IS(freq='30min', binarize=True, threshold=4)
>>> rawAWD.IS(freq='1H', binarize=False)
There are plenty of ways to contribute to this package, including (but not limiting to):
- report bugs (and, ideally, how to reproduce the bug)
- suggest improvements
- improve the documentation
- Grégory Hammad @ghammad - Initial and main developer
- Mathilde Reyt @ReytMathilde
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Aubin Ardois @aardoi developed the first version of the MTN class during his internship at the CRC, in May-August 2018.
- The CRC colleagues for their support, ideas, etc.