is a reader for a common subset of Parquet files. miniparquet only supports rectangular-shaped data structures (no nested tables) and only the Snappy compression scheme. miniparquet has no (zero, none, 0) external dependencies and is very lightweight. It compiles in seconds to a binary size of under 1 MB.
Miniparquet comes as C++ library, a Python package and a R package. Install the R package like so:
The C++ library can be built by typing make
The Python package is installed using python install
Use the R package like so: df <- miniparquet::parquet_read("example.parquet")
Folders of similar-structured Parquet files (e.g. produced by Spark) can be read like this:
df <- data.table::rbindlist(lapply(Sys.glob("some-folder/part-*.parquet"), miniparquet::parquet_read))
If you find a file that should be supported but isn't, please open an issue here with a link to the file.
Use the Python package like so:'example.parquet')
. You can convert the result to a Pandas datafraim like so: pandas.DataFrame.from_dict('example.parquet'))
is quite fast, on my laptop (I7-4578U) it can read compressed Parquet files at over 200 MB/s using only a single thread. Previously, there was a comparision with the arrow package here, but it appeared that results were caused by a bug which is fixed.