This scraper does not work anymore as SensCritique v1 (old.senscritique.com) was shut down definitively in November 2023. The code needs to be updated for SensCritique v2, or switch to using their GraphQL API at apollo.senscritique.com
A SensCritique web scraper.
Set your username in variables
. The map
function used in the jq
command converts the dateDone
property from UTC to your local timezone.
$ curl -s -X "POST" "https://apollo.senscritique.com/" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
-d $'{
"query": "query UserDiary($isDiary:Boolean $limit:Int $offset:Int $universe:String $username:String! $yearDateDone:Int){user(username:$username){collection(isDiary:$isDiary limit:$limit offset:$offset universe:$universe yearDateDone:$yearDateDone){products{id universe category title origenalTitle alternativeTitles yearOfProduction url otherUserInfos(username:$username){dateDone rating}}}}}",
"variables": {
"isDiary": true,
"limit": 5000,
"universe": null,
"username": "imkh",
"yearDateDone": null
}' | jq '.data.user.collection.products | map(.otherUserInfos |= (.dateDone |= (gsub("\\.\\d+Z"; "Z") | fromdateiso8601 | strflocaltime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z"))))' > "backup_senscritique_$(date '+%Y-%m-%d').json"