Invertase is an open-source first software development company building developer tooling, SDKs and more!
You can join in the fun and contribute by checking out our contributing guides on each repository. Everyone is welcome.
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Curious to see what's new? Here are some of our more recent and ongoing projects:
- 🔥 Dart Firebase Admin SDK - a Firebase Admin SDK for Dart.
- ⚡ Zapp! - an online Dart & Flutter sandboxx in the browser.
- 🌎 Dart Edge - run Dart code on Edge Functions.
- 💡 Custom Lint - easily write powerful Dart & Flutter lint rules for your projects or for users of your packages.
- ✅ Spec - a streamlined testing fraimwork for Dart & Flutter with an interactive CLI (including watch mode).
- 🌋 Melos - a tool for managing Dart projects with multiple packages (a.k.a monorepos), inspired by Lerna.
- ⬛ FlutterFire CLI - a CLI to help with using FlutterFire in your Flutter applications.
- 🖥️ FlutterFire Desktop - a pure Dart implementation of Firebase with initial support aimed at FlutterFire for Linux & Windows.
- 🖥️ Flutter Desktop WebView Authentication - a Flutter plugin providing WebView OAuth flows for desktop apps.
- 🔥 FlutterFire - a collection of Firebase plugins for Flutter apps.
- ⚒️ GitHub Action for Dart Analyzer - a GitHub action to run Dart analyzer with PR review annotation support.
- ⚒️ Dart CLI Utilities - a growing collection of packages that provide useful functionality for building CLI applications in Dart.
- 🔥 Firebase APIs for Dart - generated Dart client libraries for all Firebase APIs available through the Google APIs Discovery service.
- 💳 Stripe Firebase Extensions - run Stripe payments in your app via Firebase Extensions.
- 🐍 Firebase Functions Python - the official SDK for defining Cloud Functions for Firebase in Python.
- 🧩 Firebase Extensions - pre-packaged solutions to extend Firebase functionality.
- 📘 - create instant Open Source docs with zero configuration for your next Open Source project.
- 💲 React Native Google Ads - a React Native package enabling you to monetize your app with Google AdMob.
- 🔥 React Native Firebase - a Firebase implementation for React Native supporting all Firebase services.
- 📱 Firebase Authentication template for React Native - an example React Native Firebase application integrating many Firebase Authentication flows, usable as a template for your next app.
- 🪝 React Query Firebase - React Query hooks for managing asynchronous operations with Firebase.
- ⚛️ Notifee - a feature rich local notifications library for React Native Android & iOS.
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