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- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasper-onsberg-christiansen/
- Website: https://jazper.dk/
- Email: jasper@jazper.dk
- Study: Computer Science
- Age: 22 (19/1 - 2003)
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Bump Buddy Discord Bot: A discord chatbot made in C# using DSharpPlus. The chatbot is in over 21.000 discord servers.
KanbanCord Discord Bot: An Open Source Kanban board made to be used in Discord.
XSploit CTF Team: A CTF (Capture the Flag) team, that aims to become better at pentesting.
dmr.py: A python package, that allows programmers to easily fetch vehicle data from the danish vehicle registry.
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700G (8 Cores)
RAM: 64 GB
OS: Unraid
Nickname: The Beast
Storage: 2x 2 TB harddrives (Raid 1 Configuration)
Cache: 500 GB SSD
HP Elitedesk 800 G5 Mini
CPU: Intel Core i5-9500T (6 Cores)
RAM: 16 GB
Storage: 256 GB SSD
Intel Nuc
CPU: Intel Celeron J4025 (2 Cores)
Storage: 120 GB SSD
Home Network controlled with TP-Link Omada SDN
Router: TP-Link ER605
Controller: TP-Link OC200
Access Point: TP-Link EAP610
Managed Switch: TP-Link TL-SG108PE
300/300 WAN Speed