Tags: jakewilliami/SpelledOut.jl
## SpelledOut v1.1.1 [Diff since v1.1.0](v1.1.0...v1.1.1) Big float bug fix, code clean up, and handling of `Rational` number types **Closed issues:** - Implement Floating Point spelled out using modf (#14) - Implement Complex Number spelled out (#15) - Bigger float don't work (#37) - Allow parsing of irrationals (#38) - Allow parsing of rationals (#39) - Add fallback error message for number types not supported (#41) - Stop Linux x86 (32-bit) support (#46) **Merged pull requests:** - Bigfloats (#44) (@jakewilliami) - Added fallback to error for bad input type (closes #41) (#45) (@jakewilliami) - Added parsing for rational numbers (closes #39) (#47) (@jakewilliami) - Added method handling irrational numbers (closes #38, but open questi… (#49) (@jakewilliami)
## SpelledOut v1.1.0 [Diff since v1.0.3](v1.0.3...v1.1.0) Added Spanish to list of supported languages **Closed issues:** - Parse number without scientific notation (#32) **Merged pull requests:** - Default language to system locale (suggestion by @rmsrosa) (#29) (@jakewilliami) - Allowed english SpelledOut to parse big numbers in scientific notation (#33) (@jakewilliami) - Added formatting dependency to docs-specific dependencies (#34) (@jakewilliami) - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Formatting" at version "0.4" (#35) (@github-actions[bot]) - add spanish (#36) (@longemen3000)
## SpelledOut v1.0.3 [Diff since v1.0.2](v1.0.2...v1.0.3) Rectified long error message (issue #25) **Closed issues:** - Long error message (#25) **Merged pull requests:** - Universal (#26) (@jakewilliami)
## SpelledOut v1.0.2 [Diff since v1.0.1](v1.0.1...v1.0.2) Minor update for `lang` flag after refactor to support multiple languages **Merged pull requests:** - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "DecFP" at version "1.1" (#21) (@github-actions[bot]) - Refactored for setup for multiple language support (#23) (@jakewilliami)
## SpelledOut v1.0.1 [Diff since v1.0.0](v1.0.0...v1.0.1) Bug fix with twenty-x **Closed issues:** - 28-million bug fix (#12) **Merged pull requests:** - Dev (#13) (@jakewilliami)
## SpelledOut v0.1.1 [Diff since v0.1.0](v0.1.0...v0.1.1) Bug fix with alternative dictionaries **Merged pull requests:** - Updated .travis.yml (#5) (@jakewilliami) - Bug fixes (#6) (@jakewilliami) - Updated .travis.yml (#7) (@jakewilliami)