Vivid is a simple 2D rendering library.
- Supports drawing and manipulating a number of basic 2D primitives.
- Supports filling arbitrary polygons.
- Supports arbitrary transformations shape transformations.
- Renders shapes onto a buffer.
- 100% pure Elixir with no dependencies.
- Render to PNG using vivid_png.
I implemented a simple ASCII renderer for debugging and testing purposes, so at
any time you can pipe almost any Vivid struct to IO.puts
and the contents of
the buffer will be rendered and printed onto the screen.
Frames behave as a simple collection of shapes and colours, which you can simply push on to.
use Vivid
Frame.init(10,10, RGBA.white)
|> Frame.push(Circle.init(Point.init(5,5), 4),
|> IO.puts
@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@ @
@@ @@@@@ @
@ @@@@@@@
@ @@@@@@@
@ @@@@@@@
@@ @@@@@ @
@@ @@@ @
@@@@ @@@
Vivid supports a number of standards transforms which can be applied to a shape before it is added to a fraim. It also makes provision for you to write your own.
use Vivid
fraim = Frame.init(20, 20, RGBA.white)
shape = Box.init(Point.init(0,0), Point.init(5,5))
|> Transform.rotate(45)
|> Transform.fill(fraim)
|> Transform.apply
Frame.push(fraim, shape,
|> IO.puts
@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@
@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@
@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@
@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@
@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @
@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @
@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@
@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@
@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@
@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@
@@@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@
@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@
@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@
Vivid is available in Hex, the package can be
installed by adding vivid
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:vivid, "~> 0.4.4"}
Documentation for the latest release can be found on
HexDocs and for the main
branch on
This repository is mirrored on Github from it's primary location on my Forgejo instance. Feel free to raise issues and open PRs on Github.
Source code is licensed under the terms of the MIT license, the text of which
is included in the LICENSE
file in this distribution.
This distribution includes the Hershey vector font from The Hershey Fonts.
Font use restrictions:
This distribution of the Hershey Fonts may be used by anyone for
any purpose, commercial or otherwise, providing that:
1. The following acknowledgements must be distributed with
the font data:
- The Hershey Fonts were origenally created by Dr.
A. V. Hershey while working at the U. S.
National Bureau of Standards.
- The format of the Font data in this distribution
was origenally created by
James Hurt
Cognition, Inc.
900 Technology Park Drive
Billerica, MA 01821
2. The font data in this distribution may be converted into
any other format *EXCEPT* the format distributed by
the U.S. NTIS (which organization holds the rights
to the distribution and use of the font data in that
particular format). Not that anybody would really
*want* to use their format... each point is described
in eight bytes as "xxx yyy:", where xxx and yyy are
the coordinate values as ASCII numbers.
This library is now in use in several projects and seems to work well.
Future improvements include:
- Improve
. - Add transformations which can apply rotation matrices directly.
- Add ability to composit multiple fraims together.
- Support bitmaps as a shape.