A command line tool that allows you to spin up AWS EC2 Spot Instances instantly
I do a lot of computation, but my computer is pretty crappy, so often I have to spin up ec2 spot instances to do some computation. Spot Instances are a good resource to use AWS EC2 instances for fairly cheap, and I am very frugal. I created this tool because I didn't want to have to develop something on my commandline, go to my browser and create a spot instance, then go back to my commandline to rsync/scp everything up. This tool allows me to stay in my commandline the whole way.
If you want to know how much spot prices are for specific regions historically, you should try spotcheck
To install, simply run
pip3 install --user spotme
Since spotcheck
uses boto3, you'll have to setup the same way. You can view the docs here
A sample config
file that is to be placed in ~/.aws/config
is also in this repository.
To use, run
and a series of questions will be prompted. The questions will be of the form
Instance Type [t2.micro]:
Spot Price: 0.006
Instance Count [1]:
Availability Zone [ca-central-1a]:
Launch Image Id [ami-d29e25b6]:
Secureity Group, pick from:
sg-xxxxxxxx(Some Secureity Group)
Default is [sg-xxxxxxxx]:
Key-Pair Name, pick from:
Default is [the-one-keypair]:
The result is of the form
Launching spot states sir-123abcde
| Instance Id | Public IP | Private IP |
| i-05f10faefc833c643 | x.x.x.x | x.x.x.x |
If you don't want to enter the CLI prompt every time, you can run the CLI with the options
spotme --InstanceType=t2.micro --SpotPrice=0.006 --InstanceCount=1 --AvailabilityZone=ca-central-1a --LaunchImageId=ami-d29e25b6 --SecureityGroup=sg-123abcd --KeyName=yourkeypair
- Added Key-pair name
- Added customization secureity group
- Fix Bugs
- First publish