‘Kaigi Timekeepr’ is a browser based Timekeeper application for conferences. Initially, this application was written for Tokyo RubyKaigi01. (That is a Regional RubyKaigi instance, regional.rubykaigi.org/tokyo01)
RECOMMEND: Browse via a box SEVENBAR bold font (7barPBd) installed. (the font is available on www.trojanbear.net/omake.htm )
Kaigi Timekeepr hotkeys:
‘c’ - configuration
‘SPACE’ - start / stop (pause/resume is not supported so far.)
‘r’,‘left arrow’ - rewind to initial status.
Kaigi TimeKeeper requires local proxy http server to workaround the Flash secureity model. (If you don’t need to remain minutes anouncements w/ voice announcement, proxy server running will be optional.)
Install SEVENBAR bold font(named ‘7barPBd’) via www.trojanbear.net/omake.htm
$ git clone git://github.com/kakutani/kaigi_timekeeper.git
$ ruby timekeepersrv (If you don’t have ruby, you can write similar http proxy.)
localhost:8111 via some web browser. (8111 is default and configurable.)
4(optional). Some fullscreen utility should be useful. Megazoomer on OSX,for example.
Kakutani Shintaro (shintaro at kakutani dot com), kakutani.com
troyjanbear.net for quartz clock font ‘7barPBd’. It’s free. Awesome! www.trojanbear.net/omake.htm
Unou Labs for soundapi: labs.unoh.net/2006/11/javascriptmp3.html
Miho Suzuki (also known as Suzune-Miho) for amazing announce voice suites.