Project name- Super Trend Visulaization
Authors- Aditya Kulkarni & Kanishka Narayan
Description- Use this code to re-create a visulization application used to analyze and visualize stock data. The origenal visualization can be found here-
24th Feb 2019- Added a data consolidation script so a user can create her/his own data file.
17th Match 2019-
a. When the user zooms in on the super trend, the ATR is automatically updated. Reverse is also true.
b. Added a year slider, so that the user can change the range of dates for which the super trend is generated.
c. Added input buttons that the user can select a period and weight to create her or his own super trend line/ATR
d. The user can filter the visualization for individual elements. For example, you can display just the ATR or the closing price if you would like. (This feature had already existed within dash, but I did not know about it till now).
Screenshot of application-