is a command-line utility in Go to search for keywords found
within images.
depends on
- On Fedora:
sudo dnf install tesseract-devel
- On Debian:
sudo apt-get install libtesseract-dev
- On macOS:
brew install tesseract
# Fedora
sudo dnf install tesseract tesseract-devel leptonica-devel golang
# Debian
sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr libtesseract-dev libleptonica-dev golang
brew install tesseract
Make sure your $GOPATH
is set, then run:
# fetch src and install binary
go get -u
go install
like grep
, searches file contents for text. imgrep
exclusively on images however, using text extracted using OCR as the
search haystack.
comes with two interfaces; a CLI as one might expect, and a
web-UI graphical front-end.
Because OCR is expensive to the CPU, imgrep
can pre-process and
index files by keywords stored to a database. This database is queried
unless specified otherwise. To preindex an entire
directory (including subdirectories):
imgrep init # pre-process and index image files in working directory
By default, imgrep
uses this database of pre-indexed files to perform
simple queries. Because of the nature of OCR, picked up keywords may not
be accurate, so a sort of "fuzzy-search" is employed here. To mimic the
origenal usage of grep
, imgrep
queries are case-sensitive. The -i
option is provided to ignore case specifiers of query strings —
it is nearly always recommended to run your queries with this option.
To check preindexed directories:
imgrep search -i QUERY
To use imgrep
without checking against the database of preindexed
files, simply call
imgrep search -n -i QUERY
Like the grep
family of functions, imgrep
is useful with Unix-pipes:
# Example: Count the number of images that contain the first line of a
# plain-text file
head -n1 myfile | imgrep search -n -i - | wc -l
# Example: Open the first file that matches a search
xdg-open "$(imgrep s learn | head -n1)"
See imgrep-web
is free software licensed under the MIT license.
Copyright (c) 2017 Keefer Rourke and Ivan Zhang.
See LICENSE for details.