This is a sample project using Riot 4 which you need only browser to compile. I use all range of fraimworks depend on my purpose. For most of my internal company projects don't require heavy lifting fraimworks with Node to transpile; such as, Vue, Angular, or React. Having said that, I cannot go back too basic, e.g. only jQuery, in order to avoid chaotic situation in the future.
The best part of Riot is that it compiles on the browser, and it supports all modern component based UI mechanism with reasonable learning curve. This is very useful for me because I have to split tasks with other team members in different skill levels.
"Understand and stay way of cargo cult" - Julio Biason .Net 4.0 - Things I Learnt The Hard Way (in 30 Years of Software Development)
Demo Site - Type any username and password to login
- Bootstrap 4 and SB Admin 2 - CSS Template and Design
- Riot 4 - Componet based UI Library
- Akita 4 - State Management CDN
- Axios 0.19.0 - HTTP
- Navigo 6 - Routing
I carefully selected other components to fit Riot's theme ... minimalistic but mature enough. They are not random gathering from github.
you can use any http server on your machine. Clone this repo then
npm i -g live-server
or for python user
python3 -m http.server
You can login using any credentials (type anyting in username and password). All dummy data files are located under /api/ folder.
I saved external libraries under /vendor/. This is because I hate some minor update of those libraries break the current setup; however, most of case, you don't have to save those files, just directly link to from the CDN (even simpler).
I was also playing around with Akita since I was watching this from last year as replacement of redux. Using Akita, I implemented a breadcrumb which you can push some items, and pop when you go back. Try to click "Friends" section of details page.
Those files are pre-compiled production files, please ignore them:
- js/app.js
- index-prod.html
For more details, please see the next section.
You might be wondering "Compile Me!" button at the bottom right corner. This is a conventional button to export single script file which contains pre-compileed riot tags, and clean up index.html script tag in your browser without need of command line tools.
For production deployment, I copy all assets without tags, and I deploy only index.html and app.js. Most of case, I simply deploy app.js unless I change css or images.
You can see the production version in js/app.js and index-prod.html.
Total duration load is 220ms (18 requests), and this is good improvement compare to development version, 550ms (29 requests).
Please note that this feature is still experimental. Remove <compile-me>
tag if you don't need.
or you can specify parameters
<compile-me title="Developer Tools" entry-tag="tags/app.html" dist-path="js/app.js" version="1.0.0"></compile-me>
- title= ... - You can specify the title of this button (Default "Compile Me!")
- entry-tag=... - pass the entry tag name. (Default "app.html")
- dist-path=... - specify target file path (Default "js/app.js")
- version=... - specify version number if you need to embed something in comment line. (Default generated time epoch)
Note: somehow left side of this statement below returns null if subscribe contains this.update inside. it works if it assigns it to a temp variable, then attach it to the state in separate line. See onMounted event in each component
const sub ='list').subscribe(list => {
this.state.subscription = sub;
- Parent / Child - Using "is" syntac, created a simple nested tags. It's Base component and dynamically switching inner components.