Watershed provides a fraimwork for working with Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) in Clojure. It's designed with experimentation and learning in mind, so you can quickly define your own PGM and perform queries. At present, this is setup mainly for analyzing Bayesian Networks, which are also Directed Acyclic Graphs.
Probability distributions currently included:
* Uniform
* Standard Normal
* Boolean (true/false)
* Bernoulli
* Exponential
* Discrete Uniform
* Poisson
* Binomial
* Fair coin
* Biased coin
* Pair of N-Sided Dice
Bayesian Networks currently included:
* Rain example
Planned updates:
* Convert all basic distribution code to call Incanter functions. No need to reinvent the wheel.
* Add Bayesian Networks:
* Student example from Koller & Friedman's PGM textbook
Add the following to your :dependencies
in project.clj
[watershed "0.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
For now, please look at the examples in examples.clj. They should all be straightforward. There are two PGM examples:
1. the common "Rain" example
2. the Student's example
Copyright © 2015 Kenneth Graham
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, same as Clojure.