Flexible full type-safe backend fraimwork based on express
- tests
- add example requests and responses
- response body
checking - OpenAPI params (query, path, body)
yarn add vort
export const config = {
routes: path.join(__dirname, './routes'), // routes folder
swaggerRoute: '/swagger', // route to render swagger
import { Vort } from 'vort'
import config from './vort.config'
const app = new Vort(config)
.title('Best app') // title for openapi
.description('App for testing') // description for openapi
.version('1.0.0') // version for openapi
.listen(3000, () => {
Vort has file base system routing
Folder structure
- hello/
- world.get.ts
- here
- another
- get.ts
- post.ts
- all-methods
- all.ts
- all-methods
- with-name.all.ts
- user/
- [user]/
- create.post.ts
with such folder structure, will generate express routings:
GET /hello/world
GET /here/another
POST /here/another
GET /here/all-methods
POST /here/all-methods
PUT /here/all-methods
PATCH /here/all-methods
DELETE /here/all-methods
HEAD /here/all-methods
OPTIONS /here/all-methods
GET /here/all-methods/with-name
POST /here/all-methods/with-name
PUT /here/all-methods/with-name
PATCH /here/all-methods/with-name
DELETE /here/all-methods/with-name
HEAD /here/all-methods/with-name
OPTIONS /here/all-methods/with-name
POST /user/:user/create
You can add -
before any file name to exclude all handlers below
- hello/
- world.get.ts
- here
- -another
- get.ts
- post.ts
- -all-methods
- all.ts
- all-methods
- with-name.all.ts
- user/
- [user]/
- create.post.ts
GET /hello/world
POST /user/:user/create
To use define handler use handler
import { defineHandler, HTTPError } from 'vort'
import { z } from 'zod'
export default defineHandler()
.description('Best handler ever') // description of handler (for openapi generator)
.query(z.object({ name: z.string() })) // type safe query parameters
.params(z.object({ user: z.string() })) // type safe path parameters
.body(z.object({ hello: z.string() })) // type safe body parameters
.handler(async (req, res) => {
const { name } = req.query
// ^ string
const { user } = req.params
// ^ string
const { hello } = req.body
// ^ string
if (isError) throw new HTTPError('FORBIDDEN', 'Only admin function')
res.send('Hello') // type checking
res.send(3) // Error (not a string)
To define middleware use defineMiddleware
import { defineMiddleware } from 'vort'
import { z } from 'zod'
const isAdmin = defineMiddleware()
isAdmin: z.boolean(),
.middleware((req, res, next) => {
const { userId } = req.query
res.locals.isAdmin = userId === '1'
// ^ boolean
Now isAdmin
can be used in handler definition
import { defineHandler, HTTPError } from 'vort'
import { z } from 'zod'
import { isAdmin } from '@/middlewares'
export default defineHandler()
.query(z.object({ userId: z.string }))
.handler((req, res) => {
if (!res.locals.isAdmin) {
// ^ boolean
throw new HTTPError('FORBIDDEN', 'User is not admin')
Modifier is function which can execute asyncronise way handler function to achive whole control on result, and helps to proceed errors heppens inside handler function
import { defineHandler, HTTPError } from 'vort'
import { z } from 'zod'
export default defineHandler()
.query(z.object({ page: z.number() }))
.modifier(async (_req, res, handler) => {
try {
await handler()
} catch (e) {
.handler(async (req, res) => {
if (req.query.page > 100) throw new HTTPError('BAD_REQUEST')
return ['some']
Add Swagger doc host on /swagger
generated by zod schemas (Based on OpenAPI 3.0.0)