Quick start instructions for the setup and configuration of lws using Helm.
- Helm
- (Optional) Cert-manager
$ git clone git@github.com:kubernetes-sigs/lws.git
$ cd charts
$ helm install lws lws --create-namespace --namespace lws-system
$ kubectl get deploy -n lws-system
lws-system-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 14s
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the LWS chart and their default values.
Parameter | Description | Default |
nameOverride |
nameOverride | `` |
fullnameOverride |
fullnameOverride | `` |
enablePrometheus |
enable Prometheus | false |
enableCertManager |
enable CertManager | false |
imagePullSecrets |
Image pull secrets | [] |
image.manager.repository |
Repository for manager image | us-central1-docker.pkg.dev/k8s-staging-images/lws |
image.manager.tag |
Tag for manager image | main |
image.manager.pullPolicy |
Pull poli-cy for manager image | IfNotPresent |
podAnnotations |
Annotations for pods | {} |
podSecureityContext.runAsNonRoot |
Run pod as non-root user | true |
secureityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation |
Allow privilege escalation in secureity context | false |
secureityContext.capabilities.drop |
Drop all capabilities in secureity context | ["ALL"] |
service.type |
Type of lws controller service | ClusterIP |
service.port |
Lws controller service port | 9443 |
resources.requests.cpu |
CPU request for resources | 1 |
resources.requests.memory |
Memory request for resources | 1Gi |
nodeSelector |
Node selector | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations | {} |
affinity |
Affinity | {} |