Here you can find the learning materials for the workshop Learn Bayesian Analysis for the Speech Sciences (learnB4SS), in the form of an R package.
For dates and other info, see the workshop homepage.
The first step is to install brms and its dependencies. If you haven’t yet done so, check out the installation instructions here.
To save you some hassle, we created a Starter Kit, which you can download from here: Go to download page.
The download page also contains instructions to get you set up.
NOTE. The kit is just a convenient way of setting up an RStudio project that you can use during the workshop. If you are comfortable with RStudio, you can choose to set up your own RStudio project instead of downloading this kit. If you choose not to use the Starter Kit, you can just follow the installation instructions for the learnB4SS package. Note that this package and materials are best used from RStudio.
Here is a summary of all the prepping steps.
- Install brms and dependencies (essential).
- Download the Starter Kit (optional) and install learnB4SS (essential).
- Hang out with us on Slack (link and instructions have been provided via email).
- Prepare some snacks and refreshments to keep your energy up during the workshop (unfortunately we can’t provide those).