Microbial genome component and annotation pipeline
The software under designing dedicates to perform the following analysis:
Genomic Component
- Genomic Island
- Prophage
- Non-coding RNA
- rRNA
- tRNA
- sRNA
- Repeat Sequences
- Tandem Repeats
- Interspersed Repeats
Genomic Attributes
- Genome Survey
- Protein Properties
- WGS-based Species Identify
Function Annotation
- General Annotation
- SwissProt
- Pfam
- GO
- Target Gene Mining
- Effectors
- T3SS
- T4SS
- Secretory/Membrane/Intracellular Protein
- Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters
- Virulence/Pathogenicity/Resistance Gene
- Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs)
- Pathogen Host Interactions (PHI)
- Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (CARD)
- Element Cycle
- CAZyme
- Nitrogen
- Sulfur
- Methane
- Membrane Transport Protein (TCDB)
- Effectors
- General Annotation
Comparative Genomics
- Collinearity
- Positive Selection
NOTICE: It will take a long time to complete the development!
See the official webpage for details.
MGCA is free software, licensed under GPLv3.
Please report any issues to the issues page or email us at liaochenlanruo@webmail.hzau.edu.cn.
If you use this software please cite: Hualin Liu. MGCA: microbial genome component and annotation pipeline. Avaliable at GitHub https://github.com/liaochenlanruo/mgca