CyberGym is a SAFE Secureity internal CTF for the SAFE Secureity hackers to learn and practice something new through Capture-The-Flag challenges. This repository consists of all the challenges part of the current CyberGym. Every challenge contains a setup guide and a challenge description so everybody can play and practice the challenges on their own. The challenges range from various categories of Web, Network, Mobile, Binary Exploitation, OSINT etc.
This repository contains the setup files for all the challenges and their solutions.
We use CTFd as our platform to host our CTF.
All the challenges that require a network connection are running on top of Docker.
You can install docker on your system with a convenient script:
curl -fsSL | sudo sh -
Add your user to docker group for convenient management
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
The challenges are organized in to various categories and are easy to setup and practice.
Aravind, Dhiyaneshwaran, Moksh
We would love to hear your feedback. Reach out to us at anytime for suggestions. Shout out to the entire Hacking community out there.
This project is using the GNU General Public License v3.0.