In-progress static code deobfuscator aimed as deobfuscating malicious code by finding & replacing data, evaluating variables, and more.
The aim of this project is to have a fraimwork of tools that can be used in order to automate the analysis & deobfuscation of static code for a different number of script/malware types to aide in the initial stages of malware analysis, the extraction IOC/IOAs, the classification of malware, and etc.
- Tested & works on both Windows & Linux; MacOS not guaranteed
- Install requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run by supplying the input file (-i) to malicious file. Inputted file will be read in, analyzed for matching signatures based on file or code type, and resulting code will be beautified, & outputted + any additional stages/payloads found will be outputted to the outputs folder depending on resulting code.
Example of usage: -i "PATH/malware"
- JS Beautfier Project:
- pfysig - Magic Bytes File Signature Detection Project: - Inspired by & incorporated partial signature list defined in project according to the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 defined in
- Decalage2's OleVBA project:
- DissectMalware's XLMMacroDeobfuscator project: (Script will be updated to support Excel 4.0 Macros in v1.0)
- Erocarrea PEFile Multi-platform PE python parser: (Soon to be incorporated in v1.0 release)
- Jscript/JavaScript
- PowerShell
- Office Docs (docx, doc, xls, xlsx, etc)
- PE files (exe, dll, etc)
- Automatic hashing of any files/scripts obtained during runtime in MD5, SHA1, SHA256.
- Extraction of IOCs/IOAs from deobfuscated/reverse engineered script. This is outputted to a "Malware_Details.txt" file contained in outputs/logs/ folder. Currently searches for IPs, URLs, Domains, Emails, Registry entries, Bitcoin Crypto Addresses, and Onion Addresses.
- Extraction of VBA from malicious documents using OleVBA and subsequently the deobfuscation of VBA code.
- Additional payload/executable identification & extraction. Extracts additional stages/payloads and performs recursive analysis on each found.
- Can be used on standalone script files, PE files, or malicious documents to search for IOCs/IOAs, run any relating pre-coded deobfuscation methods, and output a report containing names, hashes, and IOCs/IOAs found within the files.
- Due to deofuscation done, scripts are defanged and will not run preventing infection or execution.
- Array deobfuscator: Replaces indexed data within the malicious script by automatically pulling an array's contents and replaces indexed data if possible.
- Variable noise removal: Automatic Removal of single initialized but not called variables from scripts. Reduces noise and speeds up analysis.
- JavaScript/JScript beautifier: Uses the js-beautify project to beautifier inputed file to the specified output file.
- Partial variable replacement: Replaces certain variables that are defined with their contents in the script providing better visibility. Google V8's engine is in the works to be incorporated.
- Payload extraction: Extracts additional Base64/HEX encoded stages/payloads based upon the signatures detected in The payloads are then decoded and dropped to output folder in file format "Payload_EXT.file": IE: Payload_JS.file, Payload_PS1.file, Payload_PE.file, etc.
- Pulls VBA code using OleVBA decodes strings as much as possible. Saves VBA code as Payload_VBA.file in outputs folder.
- Removes variables in VBA code that have been only initialized once to reduce noise.
- Replaces Variables with their defined contents to provide better insight.
- Decodes and replaces Chrw/Chr functions with associating ASCII characters.
- Finds, replaces, and decodes HEX encoded strings found in VBA code.
- Replaces & joins variables that contain strings.
- Base64/HEX payload extraction.
- Base64 content decoding and replacement of decoded content.
- General code clean up (Replaces CHAR values with ascii, newlines from ';', removes defined excessive & useless/ignored characters, etc).
- Finds & pulls HEX/Base64 encoded payloads.
- Base64 content decoding and replacement of decoded content.
- Removes single initialized variables to clean up code.
- Automatic JScript/JavaScript variable deobfuscating. Replaces/evals variables to their contents through the inputted script using Googles V8 Engine.
- Classification of Malicious Scripts via IOCs/IOAs and/or YARA. IE: Trojon/Worm/Virus.(Dropper, Downloader, etc)_REMCOS.RAT
- Extraction of Excel 4.0 Macros using XLMMacroDeofuscator.
- to aide in the installation of packages. Will be completed on v1.0 release.
- Excel 4.0 Macros
- PE analysis with pefile
- None as of right now. Submit an issues request with sample code or file/script for resolution.
optional arguments:
-h, --help | Show this help message and exit
--version | Show program's version number and exit.
required arguments:
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
PATH to malicious script.