This package implements the io/fs interfaces for Google Cloud Storage buckets.
- Go 1.16 is required since the io/fs package was introduced in this version.
- io/fs only exposes read-only interfaces. By type asserting the return of Open to gcsfs.File you can use a Writer as expected.
- Google Cloud Storage only emulates directories through a prefix, so when interacting with a dir you are indeed just using a prefix to objects.
go get
// export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS with the path to a service account
gfs := gcsfs.New("my-bucket)
// or use the auxiliary NewWithClient / NewWithBucketHandle functions
Take a look at the io/fs docs to familiarize yourself with the methods, a quick intro:
// import "io/fs"
// Open a file
file, err := gfs.Open("path/to/object.txt")
// Type assertion to be able to use the File as a Writer
file, ok := file.(*gcsfs.File)
// Stat
finfo, err := fs.Stat(gfs, "path/to/object.txt")
// Read a file
contents, err := fs.ReadFile(gfs, "path/to/object.txt")
// Read a directory
files, err := fs.ReadDir(gfs, ".")
// Glob search
matches, err := fs.Glob(gfs, "a/*")
// Walk directory tree
err := fs.WalkDir(gfs, ".", func (path string, d fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
// d.IsDir(), d.Info(), etc...
// Subtree rooted at dir
sub, err := fs.Sub(gfs, "b")
// http server serving the contents of the FS
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", http.FileServer(http.FS(gfs)))
// You can also create an FS that is bounded to a context, for example a timeout
gfs = gfs.WithContext(ctx)
go build ./cmd/gcsfs
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS # path to a service account with bucket access
# concatenate files
./gcsfs cat -b bucket-name mydir/myfile.txt
# serve files in a http webserver
./gcsfs serve -b bucket-name -p 8081
# show a tree view of files and dirs
./gcsfs tree -b bucket-name .
# list all files and dirs in a given directory
./gcsfs ls -b bucket-name .
go test . -race -cover -count=1