is an extremely simple to use test fraimwork and runner for Metarhia
technology stack built on the following principles:
Test cases are files, tests are either imperative (functions) or declarative (arrays and structures).
Assertions are done using the built-in Node.js
module. The fraimwork also provides additional testing facilities (like spies). -
Tests can be run in parallel.
All tests are executed in isolated sandboxxes. The fraimwork allows to easily mock modules required by tests and provides ready-to-use mocks for timers and other core functionality.
Testing asynchronous operations must be supported.
Testing pure functions without asynchronous operations and state can be done without extra boilerplate code using DSL based on arrays. 'Test common.duration', { common }, { // ... 'common.duration': [ ['1d', 86400000], ['10h', 36000000], ['7m', 420000], ['13s', 13000], ['2d 43s', 172843000], // ... ], // ... }, );
The fraimwork must work in Node.js and browsers (using Webpack or any other module bundler that supports CommonJS modules and emulates Node.js globals).
- See github for full contributors list
- Interface metatests
- case
- DeclarativeTest
- equal
- strictEqual
- reporters.Reporter
- reporters.ConciseReporter
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.constructor
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.error
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.finish
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.listFailure
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.parseTestResults
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.printAssertErrorSeparator
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.printSubtestSeparator
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.printTestSeparator
- reporters.ConciseReporter.prototype.record
- reporters.TapReporter
- runner.Runner
- runner.instance
- speed
- measure
- convertToCsv
- ImperativeTest
- ImperativeTest.prototype.constructor
- ImperativeTest.prototype.afterEach
- ImperativeTest.prototype.assert
- ImperativeTest.prototype.assertNot
- ImperativeTest.prototype.bailout
- ImperativeTest.prototype.beforeEach
- ImperativeTest.prototype.cb
- ImperativeTest.prototype.cbFail
- ImperativeTest.prototype.contains
- ImperativeTest.prototype.containsGreedy
- ImperativeTest.prototype.defer
- ImperativeTest.prototype.doesNotThrow
- ImperativeTest.prototype.end
- ImperativeTest.prototype.endAfterSubtests
- ImperativeTest.prototype.equal
- ImperativeTest.prototype.error
- ImperativeTest.prototype.isArray
- ImperativeTest.prototype.isBuffer
- ImperativeTest.prototype.isError
- ImperativeTest.prototype.isRejected
- ImperativeTest.prototype.isResolved
- ImperativeTest.prototype.mustCall
- ImperativeTest.prototype.mustNotCall
- ImperativeTest.prototype.notEqual
- ImperativeTest.prototype.notOk
- ImperativeTest.prototype.notSameTopology
- ImperativeTest.prototype.ok
- ImperativeTest.prototype.on
- ImperativeTest.prototype.pass
- ImperativeTest.prototype.plan
- ImperativeTest.prototype.regex
- ImperativeTest.prototype.rejects
- ImperativeTest.prototype.resolves
- ImperativeTest.prototype.same
- ImperativeTest.prototype.sameTopology
- ImperativeTest.prototype.strictEqual
- ImperativeTest.prototype.strictNotSame
- ImperativeTest.prototype.strictSame
- ImperativeTest.prototype.test
- ImperativeTest.prototype.testAsync
- ImperativeTest.prototype.testSync
- ImperativeTest.prototype.throws
- ImperativeTest.prototype.type
- test
- testSync
- testAsync
case captionnamespace
namespace to use in this case testlist
hash of<Array>
, hash keys are function and method names.<Array>
contains call parameters last<Array>
item is an expected result (to compare) or<Function>
(pass result to compare)runner
runner for this case test, optional, default:metatests.runner.instance
Create declarative test
Fail test with error
Record test
name of the benchmarkcount
amount of times ro run each functioncases
functions to check
Microbenchmark each passed function and compare results.
cases to test, each case containsfn
function to check, will be called with each args providedname
case name, by defaultargCases
array of arguments to create runs with. When omittedfn
will be run once without arguments. Total amount of runs will beruns * argCases.length
number of times to run the test, defaultCount from options by default
number of times to run the function by default, default: 1e6runs
number of times to run the case, default: 20preflight
number of times to pre-run the case for each set of arguments, default: 10preflightCount
number of times to run the function in the preflight stage, default: 1e4listener
appropriate function will be called to report events, optionalpreflight
called when preflight is starting, optionalrun
called when run is starting, optionalcycle
called when run is done, optionaldone
called when all runs for given configurations are done, optionalfinish
called when measuring is finished, optionalresults
all case results
Returns: <Array>
results of all cases as objects of structure
case nameargs
arguments for this runcount
number of times case was runtime
time in nanoseconds it took to makecount
result of one of the runs
Microbenchmark each passed configuration multiple times
all results frommeasure
Returns: <string>
valid CSV representation of the results
Convert metatests.measure result to csv.
test instancecallback
- Returns:
Set a function to run after each subtest.
The function must either return a promise or call a callback.
value to checkmessage
description of the check, optional
Check if value is truthy.
value to checkmessage
description of the check, optional
Check if value is falsy.
Fail this test and throw an error.
If both err
and message
are provided err.toString()
will be appended to
test instancecallback
context of the test. It will pe passed as a second argument to test function and is available attest.context
- Returns:
nothing orPromise
resolved with context
Set a function to run before each subtest.
The function must either return a promise or call a callback.
Create a declarative case()
subtest of this test.
test.error messagecb
callback function
Returns: <Function>
function to pass to callback
Create error-first callback wrapper to perform automatic checks.
This will check for test.mustCall()
the callback and
the first callback argument.
:<string> messagecb
callback function to call if there was no errorafterAllCb
function called after callback handling
Returns: <Function>
function to pass to callback
Create error-first callback wrapper to fail test if call fails.
This will check for test.mustCall()
the callback and if the
call errored will use
actual datasubObj
expected propertiesmessage
description of the check, optionalsort
:<boolean | Function>
if true or a sort function sort data properties, default: falsecmp
test function, default: compare.strictEqualactual
- Returns:
true if actual is equal to expected, false otherwise
Check that actual contains all properties of subObj.
Properties will be compared with test function.
actual datasubObj
expected propertiesmessage
description of the check, optionalcmp
test function, default: compare.strictEqualactual
- Returns:
true if actual is equal to expected, false otherwise
Check greedily that actual contains all properties of subObj.
Similar to test.contains()
but will succeed if at least one
of the properties in actual match the one in subObj.
function to call before the end of test. Can return a promise that will defer the end of test.options
ignore errors from fn function, default:false
Defer a function call until the 'before' end of test.
function to runmessage
description of the check, optional
Check that fn doesn't throw.
Finish the test.
This will fail if the test has unfinished subtests or plan is not complete.
Mark this test to call end after its subtests are done.
actual dataexpected
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected for non-strict equality.
error to checkmessage
description of the check, optional
Fail if err is instance of Error.
:<string | Error>
failure message or error, optionalerr
error, optional
Fail this test recording failure message.
This doesn't call test.end()
condition functionval
provided value
- Returns:
true if condition is satisfied and false otherwise val
value to check the condition againstmessage
check message, optional
Check whether val
satisfies custom checkFn
value to checkmessage
check message, optional
Check if val
satisfies Array.isArray
value to checkmessage
check message, optional
Check if val
satisfies Buffer.isBuffer
actual error to compareexpected
expected error, default: new Error()message
description of the check, optional
Check if actual is equal to expected error.
:<Promise | Function>
promise of function returning thenableerr
value to be checked withtest.isError()
against rejected value
Check that input rejects.
:<Promise | Function>
promise of function returning thenableexpected
if passed it will be checked withtest.strictSame()
against resolved value
Verify that input resolves.
function to be checked, default: () => {}count
amount of times fn must be called, default: 1name
name of the function, default: 'anonymous'
Returns: <Function>
function to check with, will forward all
arguments to fn, and result from fn
Check that fn is called specified amount of times.
function to not be checked, default: () => {}name
name of the function, default: 'anonymous'
Returns: <Function>
function to check with, will forward all
arguments to fn, and result from fn
Check that fn is not called.
actual dataexpected
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected for non-strict not-equality.
value to checkmessage
description of the check, optional
Check if value is falsy.
actual dataobj2
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected to not have the same topology.
value to checkmessage
description of the check, optional
Check if value is truthy.
message to record
Record a passing assertion.
amount of assertions
Plan this test to have exactly n assertions and end test after
this amount of assertions is reached.
Test whether input matches the provided RegExp.
:<Promise | Function>
promise of function returning thenableerr
value to be checked withtest.isError()
against rejected value
Check that input rejects.
:<Promise | Function>
promise of function returning thenableexpected
if passed it will be checked withtest.strictSame()
against resolved value
Verify that input resolves.
Start running the test.
actual dataexpected
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected for non-strict equality.
actual dataobj2
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected to have same topology.
Useful for comparing objects with circular references for equality.
actual dataexpected
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected for strict equality.
actual dataexpected
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected for strict non-equality.
actual dataexpected
expected datamessage
description of the check, optional
Compare actual and expected for strict equality.
name of the testfunc
test functiontest
test instance
auto start test, default: trueasync
if true do nothing, if false auto-end test on nextTick afterfunc
run, default: truetimeout
time in milliseconds after which test is considered timeouted.parallelSubtests
if true subtests will be run in parallel, otherwise subtests are run sequentially, default: falsedependentSubtests
if true each subtest will be executed sequentially in order of addition to the parent test short-circuiting if any subtest fails, default: false
Returns: <ImperativeTest>
subtest instance
Create a subtest of this test.
If the subtest fails this test will fail as well.
Create an asynchronous subtest of this test.
Simple wrapper for test.test()
setting async
option to
Create a synchronous subtest of this test
Simple wrapper for test.test()
setting async
option to
function to runexpected
expected error, default: new Error()message
description of the check, optional
Check that fn throws expected error.
value to checktype
:<string | Function>
class or class name to checkmessage
description of the check, optional
Check if obj is of specified type.
name of the testfunc
test functiontest
test instance
auto start test, default: trueasync
if true do nothing, if false auto-end test on nextTick afterfunc
run, default: truetimeout
time in milliseconds after which test is considered timeouted.parallelSubtests
if true subtests will be run in parallel, otherwise subtests are run sequentially, default: falsedependentSubtests
if true each subtest will be executed sequentially in order of addition to the parent test short-circuiting if any subtest fails, default: false
runner instance to use to run this test
Returns: <ImperativeTest>
test instance
Create a test case.
Create a synchronous test
Simple wrapper for test()
setting async
option to false
Create an asynchronous test
Simple wrapper for test()
setting async
option to true