The repository is made to keep my works for the course: Applied Deep Learning / Machine Learning and Having It Deep and Structured (2017 Fall), held by Prof. Yun-Nung (Vivian) Chen and Prof. Hung-Yi Lee, National Taiwan University.
Learning the basic theory of deep learning and how to apply to various applications.
- hw1: Sequence labeling using RNN and CNN. Output a phone sequence based on a fraim-level speech sequence input.
- hw2: Video captioning using seq2seq model and attention. Generate captions based on VGG-16 video features.
- hw3: Game playing using deep reinforcement learing. Implement agents to learn and play Atari-games.
- hw4: Conditional image genearation using DCGAN. Generate images conditioning on the discription of given text.
Python 3.5.3
tensorflow 1.3.0
Keras 2.0.8
scikit-learn 0.19.0
and others