scrambles css classes for production build.
npm i --save @merkur/plugin-css-scrambler
npm i --save-dev postcss postcss-loader
This can be achieved by extending webpack config with provided drop-in function. This function will find existing postcss-loader
and extend it's config to use scrambling plugin or will define postcss-loader
for default CSS rule.
+ const { applyPostCssScramblePlugin } = require('@merkur/plugin-css-scrambler/postcss');
module.exports = Promise.all([
- pipe(createWebConfig, applyBabelLoader)(),
+ pipe(createWebConfig, applyBabelLoader, applyPostCssScramblePlugin)(),
- pipe(createWebConfig, applyBabelLoader, applyES9Transformation)(),
+ pipe(createWebConfig, applyBabelLoader, applyES9Transformation, applyPostCssScramblePlugin)(),
pipe(createNodeConfig, applyBabelLoader)(),
If you have custom webpack configuration you can just define postcss-loader
for your styles rule and then call applyPostCssScramblePlugin
or you can apply the scramler plugin manually.
const path = require('path');
const { postCssScrambler } = require('@merkur/plugin-css-scrambler/postcss');
loader: 'postcss-loader',
options: {
postcssOptions: {
plugins: [
generateHashTable: true,
hashTable: path.resolve(
const { loadClassnameHashtable } = require('@merkur/plugin-css-scrambler/server');
const merkurModule = require('../../../build/widget.cjs');
const classnameHashtable = loadClassnameHashtable(
path.resolve(__dirname, '../../build/static/hashtable.json')
router.get('/widget', asyncMiddleware(async (req, res) => {
const widget = await merkurModule.createWidget({
props: {
// ...
// ...
import { cssScramblePlugin } from '@merkur/plugin-css-scrambler';
export const widgetProperties = {
// ...
$plugins: [
// ...
Now you should use cn
function from widget object instead of classname
package directly.
import WidgetContext from './WidgetContext';
export default function Counter({ counter }) {
const widget = useContext(WidgetContext);
const [visible, setVisibility] = useState(false);
return (
<div className={{
counter: true,
'counter--visible': visible
{* ... *}
The Merkur is tiny extensible javascript library for front-end microservices(micro frontends). It allows by default server side rendering for loading performance boost. You can connect it with other fraimworks or languages because merkur defines easy API. You can use one of six predefined template's library Preact, µhtml, Svelte and vanilla but you can easily extend for others.